[HacktionLab] We need to talk about Facebook

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Tue Nov 27 12:15:25 UTC 2012

Quoting Garcon du Monde <gdm at fifthhorseman.net>:

> i am not aware of any evidence that the mobile phone networks are
> carcinogenic - please let me know if there is any, otherwise you might
> like to rephrase that sentence.
> solidarity,
> 	--gdm

Well you've not been looking too hard, first through on the search engines is:


Loooking round the many many reports on the subject - you'll find two  
themes - "evidence of" and "no clear evidence of". There have been no  
peer reviewed reports entirely refuting a link between cancer and  
phone use. Being of Bayesian influence, and baring in mind that radio  
waves, and all EMRs in sufficient doses do tend to cause cancer, I  
would say the link was pretty likely.


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