[HacktionLab] Do cell phone cause cancer (was: We need to talk about Facebook)

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Wed Nov 28 08:08:39 UTC 2012

Quoting penguin <penguin at riseup.net>:

> Hi
> I feel this has gone quite a way from "We need to talk about Facebook"
> - - if people want to carry on this thread, any chance of changing the
> subject line.

Thanks, you could have done that yourself though.

I haven't continued the discussion as I didn't feel it relevant to the  
thread, or frankly the list. Anyone who wants to carry is welcome to  
do so without me. I've read what evidence I can and am personally  
happy that research in continueing into possible links between brain  
cancer and phone use, despite anything solid or consistent at the  
moment. There's really no need to get all one way or the other on  
this, research continues.


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