[HacktionLab] microwaves, cancer and the funding of science
mp at aktivix.org
Wed Nov 28 10:57:22 UTC 2012
Council of Europe's Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and
Local and Regional Affairs:
"Concerning the protection of children [the Committee
recommends]8.3.2. ban all mobile phones, DECT phones or WiFi or WLAN
systems from classrooms and schools, as advocated by some regional
authorities, medical associations and civil society organisations.
In the same month last year the International Agency for Research on
Cancer, a branch of the WHO, classified radio frequency electromagnetic
fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)"
In France wifi is being removed from schools, because it has been found
to significantly lower concentration and hence learning.
(more on the mounting evidence on harmful effects 7 paragraphs down)
On 27/11/12 23:06, Garcon du Monde wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 09:09:43PM +0100, mp wrote:
"what was the motivation
> behind this evidence being produced?" - and more so, "what is the
> financial incentive behind this source?"
Seldomly have I heard something so contradictory. Science, the
foundation and driver of global capitalism, the instrument of turning
a diverse environmentalist movement into a band of sheep "armed by
peer-reviewed" and their cause into the engine of green capitalism.
Science, performed with high-tech instruments developed by the same
corporations that develop mobile phones and other radio-active stuff.
Science - of the peer-reviewed kind - which is performed in state
sanctioned, corporate funded and corporate-style managed institutions
with severely historically and intellectually limited and business
oriented curricula.
Who gets a job in science? What results gets published? Yes, that's
right: peer-review in science = elitist control.
Here is a tip: consult the data, before it is turned into
peer-reviewed science by agents of industry: look at brain cancer
rates (and feel that heat next time you radiate yourself).
And for the (pissing contest) record: I have several degrees in
assessing the politics of science and technology, including a PhD,
during the acquisition of which I consulted a piece of work that was
written in 1962, called The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, which
controversially - as he was a gentleman inside the Ivory Tower, how
dared he?!? - outlines the controlling, socio-cultural nature of
science and indicates the arbitrary nature of your beloved "science".
For those who are not ready to wait for peer-reviewed science, Godot
that is, here is some more independent information, written by a
concerned parent to her school, including references to science and
scientists. who for some reason do not get a lot of media time - funny
that (is that why there are social movements for the creation of free
media, perhaps?):
I have attached a summary of the issues as I see them (EMF Information
Sheet), and an scientific article on WiFi in Schools by Dr Andrew
Goldsworthy from Imperial College, London, who has spent many years
researching this field.
You mentioned the recent HPA report which concluded that mobile phones
are probably safe. What you may not be aware of is that this report has
received international criticism by many scientists who work in this
field who have branded it a whitewash, as many studies were left out of
the review, and the HPA conclusions often did not reflect the results of
studies. Dariusz Leszczynski, Research Professor at the Radiation and
Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, has written this article in the
Washington Times
Less widely publicised, in the same week as the HPA report release, was
the release of statistics by the UK Office of National Statistics, which
showed that the rates of frontal and temporal lobe brain tumours had
risen by over 50% in the 10 year period 1999-2009. Brain tumours are
now the second most common childhood cancer in children, and the number
one cause of cancer deaths in this age group.
Last month the AAEM (American Academy of Environmental Medicine)
published a four page report on "Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency
Fields Effect on Human Health"
http://aaemonline.org/emf_rf_position.html. They are an well respected
international association of doctors, who specialise in the interactions
between human individuals and their environment. In a press release on
12th April 2010 they call for "Recognition that Electromagnetic
Hypersensitivity is a growing problem worldwide", and for "use of safer
technology...such as hard-wiring, fibre optics or other non-harmful
methods of data transmission" http://aaemonline.org/pressadvisoryemf.pdf.
The WHO recognise Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity as a "real and
sometimes disabling condition" (see attached EMF Information Sheet for
details of the symptoms and www.es-uk.info). It is estimated that 3-5%
of the population have moderate or severe EHS and the numbers are
rising. Therefore, several children and staff in any school could find
their health compromised, some severely, although they may not realise
the cause. Schools in some European countries, e.g. France, are
withdrawing WiFi, as it was noted that behaviour and concentration of
pupils deteriorated after its introduction, and also over concerns about
long-term health effects such as cancer, infertility and dementia. In
this respect the UK is far behind, with more and more schools
introducing wireless technology. It is likely that tens of children at
Roedean will develop EHS symptoms, e.g headaches, dizziness,
palpitations, insomnia, anxiety or chronic fatigue, as a result of
introducing WiFi which may impact on their education and ability to be
in school. How do you plan to deal with electrosensitive children so
that their education is not compromised?
You may have seen this article which made the front page of The Saturday
Telegraph on May 15 2011. It reports on the Council of Europe's report
on "The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on
the environment"
The actual report, by the Council of Europe's Committee on the
Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs, can be found at
and is much more detailed, drawing on scientific evidence from around
the world. It is well worth a read. On the first page, section 8.3.2
states; "Concerning the protection of children [the Committee
recommends]8.3.2. ban all mobile phones, DECT phones or WiFi or WLAN
systems from classrooms and schools, as advocated by some regional
authorities, medical associations and civil society organisations.
In the same month last year the International Agency for Research on
Cancer, a branch of the WHO, classified radio frequency electromagnetic
fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf . This puts RF
EMFs in the same group of agents as DDT, lead, asbestos and pesticides.
Although the press release mentions mobile phones, RF EMF is the same
radiation as is emitted by WiFi and other wireless devices. Compared to
mobile phones, levels of radiation emissions are lower from WiFi hubs,
but the duration of exposure is very much longer with children in WiFied
schools being constantly irradiated while they are in school, which may
be for several hours a day, five or more days a week. There have been
no studies to show that this chronic, low-level exposure over many years
is safe.
There are several UK based organisations campaigning for WiFi to be
removed from schools and supporting parents whose children have been
made ill by WiFi in schools. You can find more information on their
websites. These are:
Wired Child www.wiredchild.org Powerwatch www.powerwatch.org.uk Safe
Schools Informations Technology Alliancewww.ssita.org.uk (see
http://ssita.org.uk//Human+Health+Rights.pdf) WIFI in Schools
www.wifiinschools.org.uk who have a good review of policies/laws in
other countries and what teachers unions and schools in the UK and
internationally are doing with respect to WiFi
http://wifiinschools.org.uk/4.html Children are exposed to more and
more sources of this radiation in the general environment as well as,
unfortunately, in their own homes, which may be seriously compromising
their health both in the short-term and long-term. This is a shame given
that a wired alternative is straightforward and safe. I am not aware of
any educational benefit to children of mobile computers that use WiFi,
which cannot be achieved on wired-in computers. Up to now I think most
schools have not made a fully informed decision when they have
introduced WiFi. I hope Roedean will not follow the crowd and will
instead take the precautionary approach that many are now calling for. I
am grateful for your time taken to read this information and would very
much welcome your feedback on it.
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