[HacktionLab] Workshop proposal for BarnCamp: How static HTML saved my marriage

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Fri Mar 22 08:20:46 UTC 2013

On 22/03/13 08:03, Mike Harris wrote:
> p.s.  so my 'static' site might have the following files:
> header.html, footer.html, sidebar.html, menu.html, styles.css
> index.php, page-content-1.html, page-content-2.html ... page-content-6.htm

Hi there,

I would never propose such a solution to someone that wasn't used to
writing code. I would get them to use wordpress probably.

However, I wanted to help out at the local garden centre and some one
from the MMU's programme digital angels had helpfully set up a similar
system using simple php includes. But unhelpfully didn't train people
how to update it!

Now, I took about a day teaching HTML skills to the person who was due
to update this website who was totally confused about how to do it.
We used Komposer to alter the main files
The really tricky bit was teaching them to update the php includes for
the header and sidebar, but after going back to teach them that a couple
of times it stuck.

Here's the website

I think this is only website created as part of the web angles programme
that still exists. They would have been much better setting up a
wordpress multi user network, the Nerds!

nice one

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