[HacktionLab] Workshop proposal for BarnCamp: How static HTML saved my marriage

protag protag at aktivix.org
Fri Mar 22 10:21:10 UTC 2013


Interesting conversation

>> Now, I took about a day teaching HTML skills to the person who was due
>> to update this website who was totally confused about how to do it.
>> We used Komposer to alter the main files

I used to use Komposer. As a self-defined confused person with a difficult
relationship with tech, I was able to get results, but I was happy to stop
using it in favour of a CMS (Joomla, in the first instance).

> I'm beginning to think a session on using Wordpress might be more apt
> and accessible to everyone, more useful, and more applicable to networks
> and collaboration Mick?

I think a Wordpress session would be useful. I recently had an
illuminating (and faintly depressing) converation with a former Network23
blogger who'd abandoned his blog and started a new one "with Wordpress"
because he didn't feel able to get what he wanted out of his N23 site. I
tried to explain that his old blog used the same CMS as his new one but I
just didn't have the vocabulary to articulate how they were the same and to
what extent they differed. The horse had bolted anyhow...

So, for people like me, my mate the N23 escapee and others, a WP sessions
would be an incentive to attend.

> I can stick to ranting about how I hate Drupal either round the fire or
> on my own in the corner of a field somewhere; others are welcome to join
> me!

Ranting is useful, too, I think.



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