[HacktionLab] Fwd: Re: [ORG-discuss] MOOC: Public Privacy: Cyber Security and Human Rights

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Fri Oct 18 07:49:34 UTC 2013

this looks pretty interesting

    I saw this MOOC (massively-online open course), starting on 2
    December 2013 and thought some of the people on this list might be


    "Wild, wild web: Is the Internet a lawless no man?s land? Based on
    the recent public debate on data protection and massive privacy
    infringements, this course will explore the connection between cyber
    security and human rights."

    Run by Universiteit Utrecht and instructed by Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr,
    it's free to participate and taught in English. The course content

        The first part of the course will provide an overview of the
        current state of international and regional human rights regimes
        and their efforts to protect freedom rights while also ensuring
        private security. The second part will then go into the
        evolution of human rights, their violations and protection
        mechanism in era of the internet.

        Week 1: An introduction to public privacy, cyber security and
        human rights
        Week 2: Yours and the rights of others: civic and social human
        Week 3: Human rights cyber regime
        Week 4: Agencies for the human rights cyber space
        Week 5: Security, human rights and privacy assurance through
        Week 6: E-democracy and social networks
        Week 7: Public versus State Sovereignty
        Week 8: Public Privacy, internet freedom and state responsibility.

    I've not used iversity before, but I've had good experiences of
    other MOOCs, certainly.

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