[HacktionLab] Hi

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Sat Feb 1 12:09:26 UTC 2014

> I'm presenting at a conference in NZ at the weekend called Surveillance,
> Copyright, Privacy: The End of the Open Internet, and I'm going to be
> talking a bit about some of the stuff you guy do (TTFA and running
> workshops giving non-techie explanations of GPG/TOR etc)

I think it's worth mentioning as well that there's a bit of a
groundswell of wider interest in this kind of thing and that events are
happening under the cryptoparty banner. There are events listed up here.
we're doing one in manchester

and very much a similar hacklab style but aiming at a wider audience.
i've been tweeting about it to get a wider demographic to these events
pushing that for many people this should be part of their professional
duties, or if they are recreational drug users, etc.


> The presentation I've been putting together is here
> http://prezi.com/x__fkar9-gzd/contesting-control-in-surveillance-societies/
> Basically the gist of the talk is that whilst there's been a lot of
> hysteria about how the Snowden/NSA stuff places us within a 1984-esque
> society of total surveillance, there are numerous tools available which
> still provide pretty good levels of privacy, and these have been tools
> that the tech activist community have long advocated people use if they
> want to communicate privately. Where I end up at is the need for
> engagement with publics/communities and educational work/materials to
> communicate the existence and usability of these tools (hence Hacktionlab).
> Any thoughts/feedback/corrections would be welcome :-)

there's also very interesting discussions on this list

and here's a quick summary of tools I'm using for cryptoparties

*Guides which act as summaries of tools / concepts*


*Specific Hand-on guides on tools*

Encrypt your Email (Thunderbird) -
Pidgin and OTR - https://securityinabox.org/en/pidgin_main
Safer Browsing with Firefox - http://flossmanuals.net/summary-of-firefox/

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