[HacktionLab] Take action, with Google?!

Andy S andys at bristolwireless.net
Thu May 29 09:00:10 UTC 2014

Now if these guys weren't the very people best suited to abuse the
information they have access to, this 'campaign' would read quite well,
however I imagine many of us would/should be more than a tad
suspicious/dismissive of this. But would we be right to shun them or are we
just being paranoid/jaded?


Be interesting to hear where people stand with regards to Google and any
reasons for/against using their products & services. I make no secret of
using Google services since Gmail beta 10 years ago, use an Android phone
(albeit running CycnogenMod) and numerous other of their products. I'm not
paranoid. 1000's of highly intelligent and well respected tech people use
Google/Android, do I know soemthing they don't?

If I need secure to make communications anonymously, I wouldn't use their
services. But with the spread of Android, the chances of Google knowing
about you are increasing all the time, whether you use them or not.

So I ask, why/why not use Google?


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