[HacktionLab] Take action, with Google?!

Sam Tuke samtuke at fsfe.org
Thu May 29 17:22:36 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA256

On 29/05/14 11:00, Andy S wrote:
> But would we be right to shun them or are we just being paranoid/jaded?

You can be jaded and also take part in their campaign. Your enemy's enemy is
your friend, as they say, and Google, while doing plenty of evil all over the
shop, have some common interests with "we the people" when it comes to
defending certain parts of net neutrality.

Personally I'd continue to distrust Google and also sign their petition.

> Be interesting to hear where people stand with regards to Google and any
> reasons for/against using their products & services. I make no secret of
> using Google services since Gmail beta 10 years ago, use an Android phone
> (albeit running CycnogenMod) and numerous other of their products. I'm not
> paranoid. 1000's of highly intelligent and well respected tech people use
> Google/Android, do I know soemthing they don't?

This isn't about paranoia - the facts are in plain sight. They're in the
business of breaking Open Standards, twisting protocols for profit, and
closing Android's Open Source stack. Using any of their services helps them
achieve those ends, so at least go in with your eyes open.

That said they're doing a lot of good too, especially with Summer Of Code.

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