[HacktionLab] [Fwd: Hello and Sanctuary 2015]

bou bou at aktivix.org
Mon Dec 28 14:39:08 UTC 2015

Hi Jo,

sorry for the late response; I am cc-ing the list where you may find
participants for banrcamp and/or sanctuarylab for next time it happens.


BarnCamp 2013 - 7-9 June
w: https://hacktionlab.org/barncamp
r: https://barncamp.org.uk
e: https://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Hello and Sanctuary 2015
From:    "Jo Hodges" <sanctuarylab2015 at gmail.com>
Date:    Wed, July 22, 2015 12:07 pm
To:      barncamp2015 at hacktionlab.org


Tried to send this to Haktionlab e mail, but bounced so trying this e mail

Great to find Hacktionlab - the stuff you're doing looks great.

I'm involved in curating Sanctuary 2015 - a 24 hour art lab in the
landscape of the Galloway Forest Dark Skies Park.

Its mostly a DIY affair, experimenting with light, sound and place however
we have managed to get a little bit of funding this year to support some
artists to make new work for the event - and are exploring new ways of
using technology. Its a really diverse audience; local people, artists,
musicians, people interested in astronomy, sonic art..... makes for a
really interesting event and random conversations... and its an amazing
landscape - really dark!

This year we want to explore the idea of 'electronic darkness' - what may
happen when we are in a place not constantly connected to communication
networks, where who we are and what we do is unknown. In the future will
we need to designate places away from the networks? If so, who will come
and what will happen there?

We're looking for some folk who can lead a conversation / present some
ideas around these topics - technology / culture / privacy......

Be really good to know if you're up for being involved in some way also to
connect with folk who may be interested in coming along.

We do have a bit of cash to cover travel for anyone able to lead a
discussion / presentation

All best


Jo Hodges
Curator Sanctuary 2015
w: www.sanctuary2015.org
t: @sanctuarylab

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