[HacktionLab] Weaving Our Own Web 13/01/2018 Free dayschool in London

Weaving Our Own Web zylum at peacenews.info
Fri Dec 1 10:49:16 UTC 2017

Dear all,
      I hope that I may be able to tempt anyone who is based not too far 
from London to join us for this dayschool in January. Full details 
follow. The themes: digital tools for campaigning, net security and 
online privacy, FLOSS etc. The format is based on a very well received 
event which I helped to organise in 2015. The audience: Largely those 
with little tech' expertise and some apprehension about using online 
tools. There will also be a forum for more experienced techies' to share 

Below, is the blurb about the event. So far, there are only three 
workshops mentioned. So there is still plenty of room in the programme. 
It would be great to hear your ideas about the most important topics 
with which we should fill the other slots. If you would like to offer a 
workshop please make a proposal ASAP. There will likely be something on 
PGP /TOR /TAILS and a hands on session with the opportunity to try 
various live GNU/Linux distros.
I shall hope to see you there,

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Weaving Our Own Web: Using the Internet to Campaign Effectively and 
Strengthen Our Groups.
A Peace News dayschool.

Saturday, 13 January 2018, 10:00-17:30
2 Canonbury Villas, London, N1 2PN.
A wheelchair accessible venue.

This is a dayschool for campaigners to learn more about online tools 
that can help their group to organise and win campaigns. It's for people 
who are just starting out learning the basics, and for folk who want to 
improve their skills. There will also be a forum  for more experienced 
techies' to share ideas.

If you can bring a laptop or tablet (or smartphone) that will help you 
to get the most out of the day, but there will also be some computers 
available. There will be WiFi at the venue.

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Workshops and names include:

Emma Sangster (Peace News web person) and others: 'I don't know 
anything! A three-part course introducing online campaigning tools'.

Kirk Jackson (IT Coordinator at Campaign Against Arms Trade): 'WordPress 
for World-Changing'.

GreenNet (the ethical Internet Service Provider) and others: 'Ask a 
techie - a chance to resolve your IT nightmares'.

There will be a strong focus on net security and online privacy.

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If you're part of a campaigning group, we recommend coming together with 
someone else from your group.

Please reply to this email to book a place and to let us know if you 
have any needs that we can help with, including childcare. (Please book 
childcare before 31 December.)
mailto://"Weaving_Our_Own_Web"%20<zylum at peacenews.info>

If you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Benjamin and Mil,
from the Peace News team.

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