[HacktionLab] How to tell if you signed up to BarnCamp 2017 already...

Mike Harris mike at mbharris.co.uk
Thu May 4 17:09:53 UTC 2017

Hi all,

A handy tip to help you work out if you already signed up to come to
BarnCamp this year:

If you have signed up, you'll will have received an email that looks
similar the one forwarded below.

If you can't find such an email about your digital person, then one or
more of the following explanations might apply:

1) You didn't sign up.

2) You deleted the email and didn't print it out first.

3) You deleted the email, did print it out first, but then lost,
disposed of, or mislaid the print-out.

4) You signed-up with a different email account and can't remember the
one you used.

5) Your mail server discarded the email cos it thought it was spam.

6) The email address you used to sign up didn't actually exist so the
message bounced (we do catch these, so this is probably not the case).

7) At the time you signed up you existed in a parallel universe and are
hence attending a similar, yet different, event in that universe rather
than this one.

8) Any of the above.

9) Any other plausible reason.

Hope that helps,



-------- Missatge reenviat --------
Assumpte: 	Your BarnCamp 2017 registration confirmation
Data: 	<the date you signed up>
De: 	barncamp2017 at hacktionlab.org
A: 	<your email address used to sign up with>

Dear <your name>,

We've received your registration for BarnCamp 2017.

Your confirmation code is: <your confirmation code>

You can pay for BarnCamp, by either:

Before 5th June

Make your suggested payment of £<amount you said you'd pay> to this account: 
    Bank      : Lloyds/TSB 
    A/c name  : HacktionLab 
    A/c number: xxxxxx 
    Sort code : xxxxxx
    Reference : Please use your confirmation code as your payment reference

After 5th June

The price on the gate is £40.

To keep abreast of planning and development of this year's HacktionLab, or to get involved in helping to organise it, please join the hacktionlab mailing list at http://ttfa.net/hllist

For information about how to get to Highbury Farm visit http://ttfa.net/hf 

We will also email you the site number about a week before BarnCamp along with any other last minute details.

If you need to contact us about BarnCamp 2017, please email us at barncamp2017 at hacktionlab.org

Look forward to meeting you at the BarnCamp!

BarnCamp 2017
7..12 June 2017
Lower Wye Valley
England & Wales

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