[HacktionLab] {Spam?} {Spam?} Mozilla funding RiseUp "scandal"

ekes ekes at aktivix.org
Tue Oct 10 14:36:57 UTC 2017

Think Charlie covered the Mozilla bit. So just a couple more notes.

On 10/10/17 13:55, acesabe wrote:
> who after noticing the W3C sneak in DRM into it's standard unchallenged, 
> managed to single handedly expose

This bit lost me. It was hardly snuck in. It was very public announced
and campaigned around by numerous free* organisations for several years.
Hell if 'The Guardian' was publishing articles about it, as far back as
at least 2013, it wasn't _only_ in our tech backwaters either.

>  finally crowdfund himself to join (the W3C)

He should probably join the EFF in resigning now, if he's not.

> qestioning why Mozilla would fund RiseUp, who he recognizes as
>"domestic terrorists" (as defined in the US).

It's worth knowing that Rise Up is at least two legal bodies. One of
them is a US 501c3 and is involved in doing code development work. I'm
guessing it's probably this that Mozilla, and several other
organisations, are donating their money to.
It's not paying to host your e-mail.


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