[HacktionLab] mark up + template -> html

mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Fri Aug 24 14:57:22 UTC 2018

Hi there,

Thanks Yoss!
Hugo does seem like the easiest, set up and go solution. It was really
fast to set up.

Does anyone fancy collaborating on a short How To Manual aimed techs /
or people with some web knowledge who want to set it up a community
group / small project with the tools to DIY this.

Something along the lines of (but not necessarity in this order)

> Introduction

* why static? (why not wordpress) pros and cons - and why host yourself
at all?
* different options, and why hugo

> Section for Tech

* setting up locally and testing
* setting up on server

> Beginner Section for Punter

* getting key sorted and setting up SFTP for to access (overcoming
barriers to using git)
* simple getting started with markup / site structure
* installing a theme

> Advanced Section

* altering themes
* different server configurations / publishing options

This is off the top of my head. But I'm figuring if I'm going to try to
set this of then it would be good to collaborate with others to do this
properly and in the process perhaps make some docs that could be of use.


On 30/04/18 11:08, yossarian wrote:
> I've had good experience using Hugo + Git[hub/lab] + free css
> templates recently. As people have said, you use Github as your
> Markdown admin system. A cron job does a git pull on your `master`
> branch once a minute and suddenly you've got a cute little CMS.
> The advantage of Hugo over, say, Jekyll, is that you literally drop
> the `hugo` binary into place (it's native code, runs on Linux, Mac, or
> even Windows if you've got some weird emergency). No language runtime
> to install. Ruby is great but it's one of the worst languages runtimes
> to install if you don't do it a lot.
> On the upside though, Jekyll has a lot of really nice pre-built
> templates available. Hugo has some, but Jekyll probably wins there.
> On 30/04/18 08:14, Mike Harris wrote:
>> On 2018-04-27 08:58, m3shrom wrote:
>>> Don't let this stop you Mike! ( I know it won't)
>>> But what's a better solution now for amateur creators?
>>> I heard about jeckle or something to convert mark up to html
>>> so learning mark up is doable right?
>>> and using git web interface to write the markup
>>> and then and active period
>>> and then deploy and forget with URI s that do change.
>>> What would people suggest as a tool set to do that. ?
>> Hi Mick,
>> Learn HTML and some simple CSS, or SASS or Less, maybe?
>> I've used the templates at https://html5up.net/ for a couple of sites
>> recently.  There's some pretty good ones.  Of course you need a bit
>> of HTML and CSS knowledge, but that's not a bad thing imho.
>> Cheers,
>> Mike.
>>> Mick
>>> On 27/04/18 08:18, Mike Harris wrote:
>>>> On 2018-04-26 23:36, Kate Dawson wrote:
>>>> I think that's more than OK, and have the same problem with hosting
>>>> ancient web sites that are not maintained by their owners.  I end up
>>>> maintaining them myself, for free.  It's not worth it.
>>>> (note to self: stop doing this).
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