[HacktionLab] Creating a static site for earth first action updates

mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Fri Jan 24 09:35:39 UTC 2020

Hi there,

I'm looking for help to create a static site based on markdown files for
an archive of earth first action updates.

Aussie John (schnews) is busy OCRing a lot of printed materials, and
making pdf scans too, he is a real work horse!

I'm providing some hosting and keep that this is a very future proof
format. So would like the text to be in md files rather than HTML

I think I may be able to create some kind of basic hugo / jekyll site,
but really would prefer to support someone else with more experience to
do the starting structure and get that up and running in a gitlab /
github repo.

I could then step in to host, and help John do updates. 

This is a great project for someone with good web-dev skills looking to
do a tester project in new static site building
OR ideally someone who has been working in this way recently.

As mentioned John will be doing the heavy lifting here so this is a
potentially quite fun and very productive volunteer job.

Please do get in touch with me if you can help direct. OR post back to
the list if you have general tips about you think it would be good to do
it in terms of the tech used or other tips. 

nice one

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