[HacktionLab] FW: Urgent! From the Ground Up: Extra Capacity Needed

Michael Reinsborough m.reinsborough at qub.ac.uk
Thu Apr 22 11:19:57 UTC 2021

If anyone wants to help support the cop26 coalition this is fairly easy stuff- running big zoom calls (background support for the facilitators)
  There are probably other opportunities as well once you get involved and if there is a Glasgow meeting in November there will probably be a more radical contingent that needs tech support

From: cop26-general-request at lists.riseup.net <cop26-general-request at lists.riseup.net> On Behalf Of Camille Barbagallo
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:07 PM
To: COP26 General List <cop26-general at lists.riseup.net>; cop26-strategy at lists.riseup.net; cop26-comms at lists.riseup.net
Subject: [cop26-general] Urgent! From the Ground Up: Extra Capacity Needed

Hi all,

Happy Thursday – we are kicking off the global gathering this evening with an international press conference and all the sessions start Friday. The programme is incredible and the kickass volunteer team who have pulled it all together are next level amazing!! If you still haven’t registered – you can register here: www.tinyurl.com/ftgu2<http://www.tinyurl.com/ftgu2>


We have a number of roles and capacity issues that we need help with – please email me off list. Or send me a WhatsApp message to +44 7981070417 if you are able to help.

Tech Support (this role includes working in a tech team, with a tech lead and helping run the session. There is a tech guide to help brief you and we also have a number of tech coordinators who can help. Knowledge of Zoom is preferable). The times listed below are the entire time you will be needed for.

  *   Tech support - Disability Justice and Climate Justice Sat  11:30-14:00
  *   Tech support - Organising at work to save the world Sat 13:30-15:30
  *   Tech support - Film screening Sunday 16:00-18:30

Accessibility Desk (this role includes working on the accessibility hot desk to ensure that we are able to address an accessibility issues as they arise.)

  *   All time slots still need support
  *   Priority for Saturday, 12-14 & 14-16pm

Experienced Facilitators

  *   Movement Assembly Sunday 1pm – 4pm
  *   We need at least 5 experienced facilitators to help run the movement assembly


  *   We have an entire team of experienced translations who are part of the organising team. This role for folks who are able to be on standby if we run into any problems. Spanish and Portuguese are the top two languages that we need. This is an unpaid role.

Hopefully see you all on the internet soon
In Solidarity
Camille Barbagallo
COP26 Coalition Coordinator

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