[HacktionLab] Fwd: Tech ISPs as bit tech alternatives (email, cloud etc)

Charlie Harvey charlie at newint.org
Thu Feb 24 16:13:31 UTC 2022


Sorry to crosspost, but seemed like folks on this list may be the right
people for Alistair to talk to...


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[ECF] Tech ISPs as bit tech alternatives (email, cloud etc)
Date: 	Thu, 24 Feb 2022 15:50:42 +0100
From: 	Alistair Alexander via Campaigning Forum (ECF)


I’m researching tech tools and platforms for small campaigns/orgs that
want to escape the big tech platforms and find secure - but reliable and
useable alternatives.

There are plenty of tools/apps/platforms out there - OwnCloud,
MatterMost etc. 

OnlyOffice and Collabora mean that there are now  -/at last /- workable
alternatives to GoogleDrive.

But finding an Internet service provider or (in my dreams….)
collective/non-profit who offers them with really good support - is not
so easy…

So I’m wondering if anyone here has good experiences of working with an
organisation/ISP that fits the bill….?

Or maybe an individual who can support? I’m open to suggestions 

Here’s my wish list:

Servers located in Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia or Iceland (for
data privacy protection)

Running entirely on renewable energy

- secure email
- cloud platform (most likely ownCloud or Seafile, - maybe nextcloud but
its e2e encryption is terrible)
- messaging, comms - Matttermost, 

Offers solid, reliable and friendly human support to orgs with limited
capacity and tech knowledge,

People/orgs offering services in the South (at proper rates) would be
really great too

Open Source is nice - but TBH practicality/useability is currently the
most important criteria 

Any experiences or suggestions welcome,

I’ll be looking into this for …well, the foreseeable future really - so
if this is of interest to others,  I’ll be happy to share my findings,



Charlie Harvey
IT Director
New Internationalist

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