[HacktionLab] HacktionLab Todmorden accounts

Mike Harris mike.harris at xtreamlab.net
Thu Jul 14 17:42:24 UTC 2022

Hi All,

As is customary for openess, here’s how Todmorden worked out:

Total contributed (with camping fees taken off*) was £650.00.

Costs of hiring Tod College, plus a contribution came to £300.00.
Costs of food, tea, coffee etc came to £150.00.

That leaves a grand total of £200.00 for HacktionLab, which is duly banked! ;-)

In case anyone’s wondering the money in the account pays for the renewal of various domains (less than there were) and allows us to have something in the kitty to organise another event and pay for things up front, as well as have a buffer for if we lose money on an event.



* camping cancelled out as the per-head charge went straight to our hosts

Mike Harris
XtreamLab Internet Services
07811 671 893

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