[HacktionLab] Fwd: Join us for the free Tech for Good Organisers Network Conference - 13 October - Manchester

ben benxxxx at protonmail.com
Wed Sep 27 15:43:30 UTC 2023

Hey everyone,

Forwarding this on for a friend as it might be of interest to some folk on this list.

Hi all,

I would love to invite you to the [Tech for Good Organisers Network](https://www.techforgoodorganisers.uk/) October Retreat, on Friday 13 October, in Huckletree Ancoats, Manchester.

It's a free one-day unconference for all organisers who run - or would like to run - a tech for good group in the UK. We're covering accommodation, food, access needs and travel to attend too.

[Sign up and find out more details here.](https://lu.ma/tfgo-october-retreat-23)

Everyone is very welcome, and our definition of 'tech for good group' is quite broad. If you're working on something for or with communities to make a positive impact - you're an organiser!

So far we have about 30 people coming along, from all sorts of groups related to tech and data for good, including podcasts communities, activist communities, networking communities, education communities, charity conferences, etc. It's quite a diverse mix of people.

The conference itself is run in an inclusive way, where you can join in to take space as you need to. The venue is wheelchair accessible, and there is a quiet room for anyone who may need it. We can also provide BSL translation if that would make it possible for you to attend.

For accommodation and any dietary requirements other than vegan and gluten-free, please sign up by the end of this week.

[Sign up and find out more details here.](https://lu.ma/tfgo-october-retreat-23)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch at hello at techforgoodorganisers.uk
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