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Hi there, <br>
I've updated the workshops on the BarnCamp Website. <br>
<a href="https://barncamp.org.uk/workshops">https://barncamp.org.uk/workshops</a><br>
Now, the workshops are there to give people who haven't come before
a sense of what is happening. There is space to propose more when
you arrive, and there are open spaces scheduled for short
presentations of projects and invitations to get involved. <br>
I wanted to ask for feedback on the workshops that are listed there.
Are they a good mix? Have you got any to add that would add
diversity? <br>
One thought I had was that there there wasn't much to do with
creative production of media or design there and that the gender
balance of workshop facilitators could be less male. <br>
Another reflection is that what is there looks really good and
interesting and I'm really looking forward to it!!<br>
I also volunteered to create an eflyer for BarnCamp. I'll try to do
that in a bit. I'll do an HTML one and then does anyone fancy
translating it for non HTML lists?<br>
nice one<br>