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There are lots of good things in that Handbook however!<br>
<h1 id="how-to-cryptoparty"><a
To CryptoParty</a></h1>
<p>Throw a party. All you need is a time, a date and a location.
Add it to the wiki: <a href="https://cryptoparty.org">https://cryptoparty.org</a>.</p>
<p>Make sure you have Internet connectivity and enough power
sources for all devices. If you do not have a place to hold a
CryptoParty, find a pub or park where you can meet and squeeze
the public bandwidth. That will really hone your skills!</p>
<p>Bring USB sticks and printed handouts for those who need
them, and set up old computers for people to fiddle with and
try out new skills.</p>
<p>Talk about Linux to everyone you meet at your CryptoParty. If
you are new to CryptoParties - ask someone “what is Linux?”
<p>Make entry free for all if possible - CryptoParties are
not-for-profit, not commercially aligned and especially
important for those without other resources.</p>
<p>Teach basic cryptographic tools to the masses. Crowd-source
the best crypto. We suggest PGP, OTR, and Tor as the first
tools to install.</p>
<p>Invite experts and non-experts from all fields. Everyone is
an expert on something.</p>
<p>If you want CryptoParty to do something, start doing it.
Organise organically and chaotically. Have no clear
leadership. Urge people to take on a sudo leadership role -
take a tutorial, fix the wifi, update the wiki, or organise
the next CryptoParty. If someone claims others are doing it
wrong - invite them to nominate themselves to do it better.</p>
<p>Ask for feedback. Assimilate critics - ask them for their
help in creating a better CryptoParty. Do not be scared to
troll the trolls back or boot them from your space. Share
feedback on the wiki. Iterate.</p>
<p>A successful CryptoParty can have as many or as few as two
people. Size doesn’t count, it’s what you do with it that
matters. The criterion for success should be that everyone had
fun, learned something and wants to come to the next party.</p>
<p>Think of the CryptoParty movement as a huge Twitter hive
ready to swarm at any moment. Tweet a lot, and make your
tweets are meaningful. ReTweet other CryptoPartiers
<p>Make sure the way crypto is taught at your party could be
understood by a 10 year old. Then have the 10 year old teach
it to an 80 year old. Breach the digital divide with random
acts of awesomeness such as unfettered use of images of
kittens in all CryptoParty literature. Red underpants on heads
is only mandatory if you wish to bid in our spectrum auction.</p>
<p>Consider hosting private, off-the-radar CryptoParties for
activists, journalists and in individuals working in dangerous
<p>Don’t scare non-technical people. Don’t teach command lines
before people know where the on-off buttons are located on
their laptops. Everyone learns at their own pace - make sure
there is support for those in need of help.</p>
<p>Doing excellent stuff at CryptoParty does not require
permission or an official consensus decision. If you’re
uncertain about the excellence of something you want to do,
you should ask someone else what they think.</p>
<p>Consider the need for a bouncer, particularly if your
CryptoParty expects over 50 people. Dress the bouncer up as a
Sumo wrestler. Do not be afraid bounce people who breach
CryptoParty’s anti-harassment policy.</p>
<p>CryptoParty is dedicated to providing a harassment-free
sharing experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual
orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size,
heritage, or religion. Behaving like an arsehole may mean you
are permanently uninvited to CryptoParties events. Harassment
<li>hurtful or offensive comments</li>
<li>deliberate intimidation</li>
<li>direct or indirect threats</li>
<li>inappropriate physical contact</li>
<li>unwelcome sexual attention.</li>
<p>Encourage a culture of sharing. Encourage advanced users to
help not-so advanced ones. Delegate.</p>
<p>Use online meeting platforms like mumble, or even chatrooms
(e.g. #cryptoparty room on <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://occupytalk.org/">http://occupytalk.org/</a>) when
physical meetups are not possible or impractical.</p>
<p>Copy from other cryptoparties. Remix, Reuse and Share. Create
a basket of old devices people are willing to donate to more
needy CryptoPartiers.</p>
<p>Get the word out! Print posters and/or flyers and distribute
them in your neighbourhood, post online versions to social
networks and mail them to friends, for them to distribute the
info even further.</p>
<p>Don’t sell out to sponsors for pizza and beer money. Ask
people to try and bring food and drink to share. Host
CryptoPicnics as often as possible. Make friends with
librarians. They wield power over keys to local, public
meeting rooms that may be free of charge to utilize.</p>
<p>Invite all the people. Bring people together who have a wide
range of skills and interests - musicians, political pundits,
activists, hackers, programmers, journalists, artists and
philosophers. Spread the love.</p>
<p>Invite the graphic designers and illustrators you know to
contribute new ways to help people understand crypto.</p>
<p>Invite everyone to share their knowledge and their skills.
Individuals with little or no coding, programming, hacking or
crypto skills can change cultures by promoting the idea that
privacy is a fundamental right.</p>
<p>Share music, beers, & chips. Bond together over eclectic
music, cheeseballs, installing GPG, TrueCrypt, OTR and Tor, as
well as watching movies together. We recommend Hackers, The
Matrix, Bladerunner, Tron, Wargames, Sneakers, and The Net.</p>
<p>Do not work too hard. Take breaks. Eat popcorn together.
Create slang, phrases, memes.</p>
<p>When people at CryptoParties ask for advice on “hacking the
Gibson” refer them to episodes of ‘My Little Pony’.</p>
<p>Create fliers and advertise using slogans like:
“CryptoParties: If there is hope, it lies in the proles” and
“CryptoParty like it’s 1984.” CryptoParty all the things to
avoid oppression and depression.</p>
<p>Seed CryptoParties in your local communities - at nursing
homes, scout groups, music festivals, universities, schools.
Take CryptoParty to isolated and remote communities. Make
friends in far away places and travel whenever possible. Ask
people in rural farming communities if they’d like to
<p>Share shimmering opportunities of crowd-sourced privacy: swap
cheap, pre-paid SIMs, handsets and travel cards.</p>
<p>Create logos in bright pink and purple, with hearts all over
them. Promote CryptoParties to rebellious 13 year old girls.
Declare success if rebellious 13 year old girls demand to
attend your parties.</p>
<p>Become friends with journalists. Invite them to your parties.
Teach them crypto. Do not scare them by discussing
Assassination Markets.</p>
<p>Strew CryptoParty sigils across your city in 3am post-party
raids. Make lots of stickers, paste them everywhere.</p>
<p>Experiment, constantly. Do not be afraid to make mistakes.
Encourage people to tinker. Assume all mistakes are meant to
made. Most people under intel agency scrutiny have electronic
devices already compromised before they walk in the door.
Teach people to install tools from scratch, so they can do it
on a new machine, away from prying eyes.</p>
<p>Assume intel agencies send representative to CryptoParties.
Acknowledge their presence at the start of your meeting, ask
them to share their crypto skills. Joke about paranoia as
often as possible without instilling panic. Wear tinfoil hats.</p>
<p>Be excellent to each other and CryptoParty on.</p>