[Knowledgelab-Ireland] Hi to new beginnings :)

Anthony McCann songcraft at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 12 11:29:20 BST 2007

Hi all,

I work on the Magee campus of the University of Ulster in Derry/Londonderry ('Derry'). I am employed to teach Irish, Spanish, Folklore, Ethnomusicology, Museum Studies, and whatever else needs doing. I have also taught media studies, cultural policy and management, and other things at other institutions. I've been in educational institutions almost without a break since I was 5. I was severely bullied in my last job, so I've seen the worst of what's out there, but I am currently enjoying working with the people I am now with and exploring the possibilities of what might be possible here. And today the sun is shining.  :)

I always remind myself that I can always do something else. That has kept me sane. Seriously. I am very clear about what's important to me and what I want to do with my life, and as long as being in this job facilitates that I will keep at it. But if I find that it is changing me too much in ways that I don't enjoy, despite my best efforts, then I will reconsider my options. 

I've been thinking a bit about knowledgelabs and things, and about conferences, and about travelling to conferences, and about weighing up the consequences of my actions, and all of those sorts of things ...

I've been wondering whether participating in small meaningful actions with helpful attitudes is potentially more important than organising large-scale events? My own response is yes, and I'm now starting to think about what I might be able to do around the campus, and around my town. Brown-bag lunches? Screenings/discussions? Open themed talks/discussions/conversations? Skillshares? Conversation cafes?

I've been wondering whether I sometimes get sucked into thinking that bigger (more people) is necessarily better? My response is, again, yes, and I think it would be good for me to remember that small is often beautiful.

I've decided that giving a 20 minute paper and meeting some new people to talk about stuff doesn't adequately justify my travelling half-way around the world in an airplane. 

I've decided that it's important for me to not read a paper at the conference I'm going to in Belfast tomorrow (talking about reclaiming the idea of crafting as a way to think about empowerment and politics in relation to the politics of gentleness), but rather to sit and chat to whoever's there.

I've been reading Derrick Jensen's book, Walking on Water. I would very much recommend it and I would love to use it as a source for discussion on this list at some point.

There are a number of others who are primed to join us, they just haven't got around to it yet :) 

Looking forward to the discussions :)

All the best,

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