[LAF] LAF MATTERS(List Members)
antines at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 21 08:41:21 UTC 2005
For the benefit of anyone who has not joined the LAF List
I have sent this to my "list" as well so apologies for cross posting
Justin & Everyone
Firstly I am not going on |New deal till May 3rd so I have an extra week
second there is a chance subject t5o "Action For Employments Approval" that I may be able to do my placement at Conway Hall which would mean I wont be out of action
With regard to the 5 hour special
would we(should we not) provide refreshments for something like that?
Do we prodive , do we ask people to bring stuff to share both ?
Other than that it sounds really good
, once confirmed we need to go all out for publicity to get a really good crowd
I d be very pleased to have it at Rampart beacause much as I like haveing it at
Freedom there is the problem of disability access
Hope to see u Justin next Wed if not before, hope u did not have too bad a time at the Jobcentre
Justin wrote:
Stevphen and everyone,
Ok - re: Stevphen's talk
- maybe a good idea would be to have
a LAF double bill on Sat. 14th!
(SOMA is laready booked for 14th MAY)
So we could do a mega afternoon
of LAF stuff! Might be quite good...
The SOMA group are doing a workshop
and need space so I've contacted Selene
at Rampart (East London - nr. Whiotechapel
tube) to book space there...
We'd need 2 hours for Stevphen's talk
and then 3 hours (talk discussion AND workshop)
for SOMA... so about 5.5 hours in total
(including 1/2 hour break between...)
Any particular time of day you'd like to speak
Stevphen? I guess options would be to start with
your talk then do SOMA, or vice versa, hence you
could speak at say about 12 noon or about 3 or 4
in the afternoon....
An "uber" talk sounds good Stevphen - please uber it
up if you can or want to!!
--- stevphen shukaitis <stevphen at mutualaid.org> wrote:
> Hi Justin:
> Yr probably going to totally hate me for asking this - but, is there
> anyway that my talk can be moved to either Friday May 13th or
Saturday May
> 14th? The reason I ask (and not to be a pain in the ass, although
> probably a byproduct) is that I originally had planned to move back
to NYC
> in July to start my PhD research here (where I am right now) - but
due to
> finding a good apartment that becomes available starting May I've
> to move back to NYC in mid-May rather than July. So, that would mean
> I wouldn't be in the UK on the 27th. I'm really sorry to have to ask
> as I'm sure it's a pain in the ass - but I can guarantee that if this
> be moved I won't change it again and will do something uberimpressive
> (well, ok - can't guarnatee the 2nd part but I can try). But if this
> just too much of a pain in the ass and you feel like telling me to
> off that's fine too.
> hope everything is well with you. cheers
> stevphen
> >
> > Cool, Ed. Sure - will use my e-mail address
> > - also - i will volunteer to make fliers for
> > May talks (can you send me your copies of your fliers,
> > Ed? - i can use them as a template, thanks)
> > - and will arrange talks for June
> > - we've got 2 possibles for June - which i'll
> > confirm - one option was to do tie in with G8 - altho
> > not got anyone for that - maybe better to do something
> > different anyway - kind of offers "off beat" to
> > main activist actions... don't know what
> > people think of this proposal... By the way
> > during early July i'm planning to be going up
> > to Gleaneagles for the G8 protests - so maybe other
> > people need to sort out arranging talks for July, if
> > possible, as i wont be around (or at least, that's the plan)...
> >
> > Also - after May talks - we need to (i think its agreed)
> > arrange particular dates for each of the bi-weakly
> > meetings - so i'm asking for dates people want for these and also
> > venue(s)... Could stick with format as per May -
> > i.e. 2 week and 4th week of every month...?
> > And have Freedom (and Conway hall - altho expensive?)
> > as usual venues...?
> >
> > Persoanlly i'm in favour of Freedom all the time
> > (unless change of plan for a particular talk for whatever
> > reason)(i think we can work round problem of gate)
> > - altho i'm biased perhaps - as i work there!!
> >
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