[LAF] Events from Free Software Magazine
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Thu Apr 6 09:18:40 UTC 2006
* U * K *
Legal threats to free software and GPLv3 - 2006Apr07
* What: Ciaran O’Riordan will speak to the British Computer Society about legal threads to
freedom such as software patents.
* When: Friday 7th April, 6-8pm.
* Where: London HQ - BCS London Office - Southampton Street, First Floor, The Davidson
Building, 5 Southampton Street, London, WC2E 7HA.
Free Culture UK meetup/conference - 2006Apr08
# What: An informal get-together for discussions and hacking with free pizza! It will be
fun, friendly, with no panels or speakers, and is about sharing experiences and working on
practical free culture issues.
# When: Saturday 8th April 2006, 11am - 7pm.
# Where: Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, London, E14 7HA
# More information http://www.freeculture.org.uk/meetings/2006-04-08
Remix Reading open media lab - 2006Apr15+29
# What: Come and learn how to use arty free software, or show off your skills to others,
at our first open media lab. Just turn up with an open mind.
# When: Saturday 15th and Saturday 29th April 2006, 11am-4pm.
# Where: Rising Sun Arts Centre, Reading (web site).
# More information http://www.remixreading.org/events
Remixing Reading—art exhibition - 2006Apr28-30
* What: An exhibition showing visual remixes of Reading. Works will be selected from
entries to a competition and old favourites from the Remix Reading collection. Entry is free.
* When: Friday 28th - Sunday 30th April 2006, 12am - 5pm.
* Where: Riverside Museum at Blake’s Lock, off Kenavon Drive, Reading, RG1 3DH.
* More information http://www.remixreading.org/artcomp
* U * S * A *
CC Salon - 2006Apr12
* What: A local informal gathering of individuals around Creative Commons licenses,
standards, and technology.
* When: April 12th 2006, 6-9 PM.
* Where: Shine, 1337 Mission St, San Francisco, CA.
* More information http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Salon
Free Culture National Summit - 2006Apr21-23
* What: A conference and meetup with speakers including Peter Decherney, a U Penn
professor who is writing a book on copyright; Nelson Pavlosky, co-founder of
FreeCulture.org; Prometheus Radio, leading a low-power FM workshop; Holmes Wilson of
Downhill Battle, leading a workshop on “Free culture campus strategy”, and... Lawrence
Lessig, the Stanford Law professor who inspired us with his book Free Culture!.
* When: April, 4pm 21st - 3pm 23rd.
* Where: Hicks Mural Room on the Swarthmore College campus.
* More information http://www.freeculture.org/summit2006/
Sharing Is Daring—Boston’s Creative Commons Art Show - 2006Apr27-May06
* What: Harvard Free Culture will be curating a Creative Commons art show in Cambridge,
* When: April 27 - May 6, 2006.
* Where: Cambridge (USA), Location TBA.
* More information http://www.sharingisdaring.org/
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"None of us are free until all of us are free."
~ Mihail Bakunin
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