[LAF] Fwd: [rampARTannounce] black october

justin hooper_jackson at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 23:06:06 UTC 2006

Good to hear the ABF LAF meetings went really
well and were well attended! sorry i couldn't
make it...

am forwarding rampart newsletter - apologies
if counts as spam/cross post... note there's 
a radical reading group on their diary... 
(don't know what they're reading)...


--- rampart at mutualaid.org wrote:

> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:24:47 -0700 (PDT)
> To: rampart at lists.riseup.net
> From: rampart at mutualaid.org
> Subject: [rampARTannounce] black october
> -- message from rampART mailing lists. see footer for details 
> This Thursday 26th October, 8pm
> Armed thugs are running riot in the streets, maiming and killing without
> being held accountable... All over the world cops are getting away with
> murder. Yes, for the second time at the rampART... your right to watch the
> police with the Pig Brother multimedia show.
> Internationally, police officers who mutilate or kill people on duty
> usually get off scot free, many times the cases not even making the news.
> The Swiss internet site PigBrother.info deals with such cases and the
> police weapons involved. Though often labelled "less lethal" and claimed
> to be "harmless", actually many proved to be fatal, not to mention lots of
> them being banned in war by e.g. the Geneva Convention but nevertheless
> frequently used by policeforces worldwide (like e.g. Dum Dum Bullets that
> killed Jean Charles de Menezes, but also the so called "Tear Gas").
> This live multi media show presents typical cases incl. weapons, injuries
> and favourite police excuses from the UK, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany,
> USA and Switzerland.
> Homepage:  http://PigBrother.info
>  http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/live/PigBrother_Live_Show_Info.htm
> ther/live/PigBrother_Live_e.jpg
> The Hacklab will host its usual Saturday afternoon open session for
> questions about and help with Free Software or to make use of the
> computers.
> Additionally, at 3.30pm there is a workshop on anonymity given by ****** ;-)
> Learn how to exchange and view information over the internet anonymously
> with practical examples.
> Nov, Fri 3rd - Next radical reading group
> Nov, 4th/5th - IMC UK network meeting
> Nov, Sat 4th - Italian AntiFa benefit gig (punk)
> Nov, Sat 11th - Collective night - brazillian theme apparently
> Nov, Mon 13th - Self Defence open night
> Nov, Fri 17th - 2nd Constitution Open Forum
> Nov, Sat 18th - Queer and prisoner support benefit
> Nov, Wed 22nd - Womens Anarchist Nuisance Cafe
> Nov, Fri 24th - Radical reading group
> Nov, Sat 25th - Human Zoo event
> Although we are still not taking new event proposals, progress towards this
> has gone well at the last two Monday meetings. We worked on an online diary
> system (temporarily using google) the events pack and a comprehensive
> workflow all to help us to keep track of all the events we have agreed to
> host and hopefully avoid further double bookings. We'll announce on this
> list when we are ready to take more proposals.
> After being outraged at the Pig Brother show on Thursday, why not join the
> Remembrance Procession in memory of those who have died in police custody,
> in prison and in psychiatric care. It's a silent procession to Downing
> Street and then loud and vocal march on to Parliament Square.
> Saturday 28 October. All welcome, please wear black.
> Assemble at 1pm. Rally at Trafalgar Square, Central London.
> Nearest tube: Charing Cross
> UFFC was formed in early 1997 and is a coalition of families and friends
> of those that have died in the custody of police and prison officers as
> well as those who are killed in secure psychiatric hospitals.
> "Since we were formed, our consistent challenges to the Police Complaints
> Authority, its successor the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the
> Crown Prosecution Service and the government has made an impact and
> changes have been promised - but it is far from enough. Nothing less than
> the
> prosecution of the killers of our family members will do."
> "On a number of occasions we have asked the Government to hold inquiries
> into these deaths but they have refused. We can never forget those we
> have lost - and we WILL NOT allow the government to do so. On the last
> weekend of October every year, we hold a remembrance procession from
> Trafalgar Square to Downing Street, until the politicians finally act to
> prevent further deaths and more families suffering the grief we carry
> every day."
> see www.uffc.org for more info
> The following weekend is Climate Day with Stop Climate Chaos, I Count, the
> Climate March and Blackout London all on Saturday 4th November. Yes, in
> the evening people are encouraged to switch it all off. There are tales of
> candlelit supper parties etc. with Blackout London capturing the
> imagination and there's attempts to spread the idea for people all over
> the United Kingdom to join in the big turn off.
> We won't be joining the blackout at rampART as we have a benefit gig that
> night and people would fall over each over in the mosh pit, but if you are
> coming, remember to switch those lights off and if you are staying at
> home, well, go to bed early.
> --
> -- This message come from the mailing list of the rampART social centre
> -- 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)
> -- see map
> -- see www.rampart.co.nr for more info about the project and events.
> -- You can subscribe/unsubscribe to this list via
> http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/rampart

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