[LAF] [antines at yahoo.co.uk: LAF MATTERS]

Ian Gregory aktiv at zenatode.org.uk
Tue Feb 20 13:59:10 UTC 2007


Ed asked me to forward the following message to the list.
His last post to the list apparently failed to get through
(his last successful post was on Feb 13th).

Does this mean that nobody with a Yahoo! address is able to
post? I know that Yahoo! addresses were not receiving list
emails for a while, resulting in them being flagged as
bouncing. I unbounced them but am not sure whether Yahoo!
have fixed the problem yet.

Ed, your new AOL address is not showing up in the list of
subscribers yet - and why AOL? If you are going for a big
corporate email provider then I think Google is the best
choice (and as of recently you no longer need an invite).


----- Forwarded message from EDMUND MCARTHUR <antines at yahoo.co.uk> -----

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 04:57:29 -0800 (PST)
From: EDMUND MCARTHUR <antines at yahoo.co.uk>
To: antines at yahoo.co.uk
X-BlackCat-Spam-Score: -1.8

My last post did mot get through
  so heres a summary which I am sending offf list to all regulars who are in my yahoo address.  Ian  could you forward this to the list so its read by people not in my address book
   I have created a new a/c with aol
  perhaps people posting could neverthe less send a cc to
  antines at yahoo.co.uk
  edmcarthur400 at aol.co.uk
  and rejoined the list  . Hope this solves the problem
  Volodya : Sounds good to me your  proposed talk/discussion
  if March  is a busy month you could do it in April or May
  If you come up with a title and a few lines of   abstract I could avertise it on the site
  Date to be confirmed
  I will post the link to the audio of Sats talk on the site  I dont have access to a computer with head phones so can some one confirm its working ok
  If Volodya is not going to give his talk in March we need a volunteer 
  or at least suggestions for a topic
  I  am  100 % flexible re the date but fancy the 10th March if anyome wants to know

see Events & Issues website   http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/events.html
Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.
----- End forwarded message -----

Ian Gregory

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