[LAF] {Disarmed} FW: [londonfeministnetwork] Map of Gaps e-petition - please sign!
Joy Wood
joy_helbin at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 14 13:13:17 UTC 2008
From: ls_liveseyDate: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:28:20 +0000Subject: [londonfeministnetwork] Map of Gaps e-petition - please sign!
Dear feminists,Following the very successful launch of the Map of Gaps report, we have set up a petition calling on the government to take urgent action to end the postcode lottery in violence against women support services.If you have a spare moment, please read and sign our official Downing Street e-petition at http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/violenceservices/The petition urges the Prime Minister to take a more strategic approach to ending all forms of violence against women, including a commitment to long-term funding of specialised violence against women services.To see the Map of Gaps report, which highlights the current problems in provision of services across the UK, visit www.endviolenceagainstwomen.org.ukPlease pass this email on to anyone you feel may be interested in helping women have better access to violence support services such as Rape Crisis Centres, refuges, services for ethnic minority women and so on. And, if you can, place links on your websites and blogs.All the best,KateKate NevensEnd Violence Against WomenMedia and Communications0207 033 155917-25 New Inn YardLondon EC2A 3EAwww.endviolenceagainstwomen.org.ukhttp://endviolenceagainstwomen.blogspot.com
. __,_._,___
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