[LAF] Fwd: (en) Russiaa, an appeal for Kropotkin museum in Dmitrov
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Thu Jul 31 11:25:35 UTC 2008
Dear friends and comrades! ---- Currently a number of anarchists are attempting
to win opening of house-museum of Kropotkin in city of Dmitrov in Moscow region
of Russia. This is where Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin lived last years of his
life and died in 1921. Museum existed here until year 1942. In time of
Perestroika authorities of Dmitrov promised to open museum again, and in 1992,
at event of the 150th jubilee of Kropotkin, authorities freed the house where
Kropotkin lived. between 2004 and 2007 it was widely announced that museum will
soon open, and a memorial statue was set up in Dmitrov. Local (now deceased)
amateur geographer R.F.Khohlov collected exhibits for the museum.
Right now another enthusiast and researcher is working on museum, Jan
L'vovich Prusskiy, but he has limited opportunities to push forward.
Already for 15 years opening of the museum is again and again delayed,
now we believe that local authorities are consciously slowing down the
process, as they are considering Kropotkin as a politically dubious figure.
Original dome of Kropotkin was dilapidated and got torn down, a project
to reconstruct it was launched, and a new identical house is already
partially built, but as construction is not finished it is now
Unfortunately, we may not found museum on our own - for this we would
need huge treasury, also exhibition collected by Khohlov is state
property. This is why we are attempting to put some pressure on local
authorities to have them to finish the construction. We are ready for a
political protest campaign, but we decided to start with a letter
writing campaign, in order to show that there is a big interest to
Kropotkin all around the world.
4th of September 2008 Museum and nature protection area "Kremlin of
Dmitrov" (part of which is the house-museum of Kropotkin) is having a
jubilee. P.A. Kropotkin was among founders of the museum in 1918, and we
want to draw attention that in time of jubilee it is even more unjust to
delay opening of the house-museum of this outstanding person.
We ask you to send letters addressed to administration to Dmitrov,
where you show interest to fate of the museum and when it will be
opened. Letters are likely to have more effect more formal they look
like - so if you have an opportunity to use a letterhead of some
official institution, where you may work as a researcher, journalist,
activist etc., do it. Note your profession in letter.
We are happy to answer to any additional questions you may have.
Thank you for your support!
In solidarity, Olga in behalf of the initiative group.
E-mail for questions: taoom >a< riseup >dot< net
An example letter (better to write in your own words, and also to add
which is your relation to Kropotkin, about research you may be
conducting etc.).
To head of Dmitrov region
Valeri Vasil'evich Gavrilov
Dear Valeri Vasil'evich!
Name of Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin - scholar, outstanding
revolutionary, great humanist, one of the main theorists of anarchism
and remarkable traveler, widely known all around the world. Researcher
of the ice age, discoverer of many areas, historian who wrote one of the
best books on the French revolution, thinker who formulated famous
bio-sociological law on mutual aid as a factor of evolution and literary
researcher - Kropotkin is enjoying deserved attention and respect in
many countries.
Huge, stable interest to personality, life and ideas of Kropotkin is
proven by the fact that many books of him are still regularly
republished in many countries of the world, historians and philosophers
are still studying his heritage and works. International scientific
seminars, dedicated to P.A. Kropotkin are regularly organized.
We are worried, that already for many years opening of house-museum of
thinker, who is known worldwide, is delayed, although staff of Dmitrov
museum has gathered a substantial exhibition. 4th of September 2008
museum "Kremlin of Dmitrov" is celebrating its 90th birthday. As we
know, P.A. Kropotkin was one of the founders of the museum, so this is
yet another reason not to further delay opening of the house-museum of
this great person.
From our part, we are ready to cooperate and to do everything which
depends on us, to make the opening as soon as possible. We are writing
to you with a request to inform us about the state of affairs regarding
to preparation of the opening of the museum.
Signature (with profession and status)
Return address for answer
If you like to, you may address another letter to director of museum and
nature protection area "Kremlin of Dmitrov" Anna Sadovoy.
Please send letters to P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia, and we will
pass them forward to the aforementioned authorities.
In case you do not speak Russian, we will attempt to translate your
letters. In case you do, below is an example letter in Russian which you
may use (in case you got letters in unreadable encoding, write to
contact e-mail above).
Главе Дмитровского района
Гаврилову Валерию Васильевичу
Уважаемый Валерий Васильевич!
Имя Петра Алексеевича Кропоткина - ученого-энциклопедиста, выдающегося
революционера, великого гуманиста, одного из главных теоретиков
анархизма, замечательного путешественника - широко известно во всем
мире. Исследователь ледникового периода, первооткрыватель многих земель,
историк, написавший одну из лучших книг о Великой Французской революции,
мыслитель, сформулировавший знаменитый биосоциологический закон
взаимопомощи как фактора эволюции, этик, литературовед - Кропоткин
пользуется заслуженным вниманием и уважением во многих странах.
Об огромном интересе к личности, жизни и идеям Кропоткина говорят такие
факты как то, что его книги до сих пор регулярно переиздаются во многих
странах мира, историки и философы продолжают изучать его наследие и
также печатают свои труды. Регулярно проходят международные научные
конференции, посвященные П.А.Кропоткину.
Мы обеспокоены, что уже много лет не происходит открытие дома-музея
всемирно известного мыслителя Петра Алексеевича Кропоткина, несмотря на
то, что сотрудниками Дмитровского музея собрана значительная экспозиция.
4 сентября 2008 года музей «Дмировский кремль» отмечает свое 90-летие.
Как известно, П.А.Кропоткин был одним из основателей этого музея, и тем
более несправедливо далее откладывать открытие дома-музея этого
выдающегося человека.
Мы готовы, со своей стороны, оказать содействие и сделать все, зависящее
от нас, чтобы это событие произошло как можно скорее.
Обращаемся к Вам с просьбой сообщить о состоянии дел с подготовкой музея
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