[LAF] About new feminist group in London

Echo of Freedom EchoOfFreedom at riseup.net
Mon Oct 20 08:27:24 UTC 2008

Yesterday (2008Oct19) took place the launch of the new all-gender feminist group 
in London Action Resource Centre. This is a *short* report about it (from a 
single person perspective, my own).

The main distinction and the reason why i have gone to this group was because i 
was beginning to get disillusioned by the feminist movement as the whole, and i 
needed to find some existing anti-sexist movement which i could support as an 
anarchist. After the quick introduction about the group we had a chance to break 
into the three-person groups where we discussed the reasons why we have come to 
this meeting; the reasons voiced were numerous, generally people wanted to 
challange the sexist patriarchal society, mindset, and behaviour, create a 
non-dualistic non-exclusivist feminist group, challanging the discrimination 
within the already existing radical groups and movements, and probably other 
reasons which i no longer remember.

What followed was something that was quite new for myself, that being once again 
breaking up into short groups and answering a simple question "How do you feel?" 
This actually stimulated quite a lot of interesting discussion both within the 
short group and afterwards. As i am only aware of the first part of the 
discussion in my own group, i cannot say much about this part, but personally i 
have found it quite useful, and people did comment at that time and later on 
that this helped to create a link to some of the people within the new group 

The open discussion with the intention to determine where the group would be 
heading has finished the meeting. Majority of people wanted to have a group for 
both discussion and eventual activism, although different people did express it 
in different way and with different stress on two different parts. Everybody 
agreed that the organisers did a good job, and that hopefully the core of the 
group would be dissolved with everybody having a chance of helping with running 
of it (that is everybody including the current organisers). And of course there 
was a sentiment raised that there should be more men at all-genders feminist 

In conclusion i would say that i extremely recommend that if anybody is in 
London on 2008Nov02 you should consider coming to the next meeting.

                        - Volodya

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