[LAF] omfg
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Tue Sep 16 09:48:36 UTC 2008
Sarah Loewenbein wrote:
> Hello,
> I may be missing your point, but what do rape test kits specifically
> have to do with prisons? I presume that being against prisons doesn't
> mean that you are also against some/any kind of (reparative?) justice?
> Sarah
Well, punitive system has nothing to do with reparation, it has to do with
punishment (by the very definition of the term) in this case revenge-driven
Justice is such a misused term these days that i sometimes don't know what *i*
mean by it when i say the word.
And to answer your first question, i guess that in theory it is possible to have
a society which would have a forensic test to determine if somebody has been
raped or not, but then not have a penal system to punish anybody. The thing is
that we aren't living in that society, and i find it difficult to figure out why
such an arrangement would exist, i for one would argue that without the punitive
measures in place it would be much more constructive to simply take the
survivor's word for it, and accept it all as truth.
So i was talking about the society which we have today, not some hypothetical
one; and today forensic examination is done in the case of rape for one reason
and one reason alone, and that is to have the "evidence" in the "court of law"
to incarcerate somebody.
My point, however, was that my opposition to the penal system is an opposition
to the state having power to lock somebody up, not the opposition to the
survivor of an assault.
- Volodya
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