[LAF] Disgusted by the misogyny on this list
Joy Wood
joy_helbin at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 21 21:10:00 UTC 2009
The Bookchin book Sarah recommends would be a good one for the SPES Book Club, methinks.
From: sarah.c.l at hotmail.co.uk
To: laf at lists.aktivix.org
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:49:30 +0100
Subject: Re: [LAF] Disgusted by the misogyny on this list
Re. alternative communities, if you haven't read it already, I can recommend Murry Bookchin's The Ecology of Freedom. In it he examines accounts of Native American cultures just before they were finally destroyed by European invaders, and the early Christian communities that experimented with different ways of living, to give accounts of possible ways for human beings to interact. I recommend it even though at one point he quotes de Sade (yuck, yuck, yuck!) in relation to women's sexual liberation.
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 14:10:49 +0000
From: antines at yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Re: [LAF] Disgusted by the misogyny on this list
To: laf at lists.aktivix.org; sarah.c.l at hotmail.co.uk
I think you have hit upone something very important
In a future stateless. moneyless society there could still be mechanisms of social control such as you say. access to food shelter etc. I t would be interesting to find some research into the various communal experiments over the past 200 years
to see how much better they were for woman and children, not a lot I suspect
I have always argued that anarchism if its to work would require a fundamental
change in human psychology rather than just over throwing the state as some think
its supposed to be about abolishing ALL coercive relationships not just the state and capitalism, clearly most anarchist men are still no better in their attitudes to women than any other men
Any man who visits a prostitute or otherwise supports the sex industry as a customer
is re enforcing the coercion of woman and displaying a misogynistic attitude of the worst kind
It would be interesting to know why it is that defense of the sex industry is considered so important when there are so many other causes, not least woman's rights that need to be fought for.
Ed MacArthur 07981 900 563
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--- On Tue, 7/14/09, Sarah C L <sarah.c.l at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
From: Sarah C L <sarah.c.l at hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: [Nestle] Disgusted by the misogyny on this list
To: laf at lists.aktivix.org
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 6:52 AM
I’ve been on this list for a while, and contributed a couple of times, but I’ve been largely put off in the past by the sexism of some of the posters. Joy, Ed, thank you for your continued efforts to stand up to this barrage of woman-hating.
It’s like I’ve fallen through a time-warp back to the ‘sexual revolution’ of the sixties, when they celebrated rapists and child abusers as ‘sexual outlaws’ and thought prostitution would die out because ‘sexually liberated’ women would do for free what you had to pay prostitutes to do.
So, we have Steve, who thinks that sex is a human right, but freedom from compulsory sexual activity isn’t. Yes, you pay lip-service to ‘sex equality’, by saying that women will have access to this ‘charitable prostitution’, but really this is about shawing up male entitlement and male privilege.
And we have Volodya, who only wants to hang out with ‘empowered sex
workers’ (ie already privileged individuals who have embraced ‘sex work’ as part of their ‘transgressive’ lifestyle choice), and would rather hear pimps’ and pornographers’ accounts of the sex industry than hear from those who have been chewed up and spat out of the system. Because victims are boring and whiney and not-sexy, and anyway, victims aren’t people, so it doesn’t matter what happens to them. And if any one disagrees with you, that means they hate sex, so you don’t have to listen to them either!
Do either of you actually realise that women are human in exactly the same way you are? Our bodies feel things in exactly the same way yours does, and what you would experience as abuse and degradation, we would experience in exactly the same way.
You don’t get to pick and choose which hierarchies you oppose and which you want to keep, bell hooks didn’t call it “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy”
for no good reason; all forms of hierarchy are intertwined. You want a world with out capitalism and the state, but you don’t want to give up sex hierarchy.
Presumably, in your putative anarchist community, men would co-operate horizontally to oppress women and ensure they continued to sexually service men, either through direct violence, or through control of economic recourses (food, shelter). It sounds more like the Swat valley than anything any woman would recognise as utopia.
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