<P> </P>
<P>Hi Everyone</P>
<P>Justin tells me that the 14th has been confirmed but the times have not been sorted out so I will update the LAF page once that is done</P>
<P>Meanwhile you might care to check out the rest of the site as belowalso there is a SPES event at Conway Hall on the 1st(which does of course clash with quite a lot of other things ) which some of u might be interested in. I have to chair it so wish me luck</P>
<CENTER>South Place Ethical Society</CENTER>
<CENTER>Conway Hall, Red Lion Sq, WC1</CENTER>
<CENTER>Sunday 1st May 230pm</CENTER>
<CENTER>Ethical Dilemma Debate</CENTER>
<CENTER>Political Assassination </CENTER>
<CENTER>Can It Ever Be Justified?</CENTER>
<CENTER><A href="http://www.ethicalsoc.org.uk/events.htm">www.ethicalsoc.org.uk/events.htm</A><BR><BR><BR></CENTER>
<P><STRONG>Visit The Events And Issues Website <BR> <A href="http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/">http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/</A> </STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><BR> </P></STRONG><BR><BR><hr size="1">Whatever you <a href="http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/time/" target="_blank">Wanadoo</a><br><br>This email has been checked for most known viruses - find out more <a href="http://www.wanadoo.co.uk/help/id/7098.htm" target="_blank">here</a>