<P>After a discussion with Justin I sent a request to CAMPACC <A href="http://www.cacc.org.uk/">www.cacc.org.uk</A></P>
<P>for a speaker on 25th June 3pm-5pm (the room is booked at Freedom Press)</P>
<P>I told them however that we could neg an alternative date if need be- they will send our request to a list of people who give talks to see who can make it</P>
<P>I did not mention it in the invite but as we have £17.00 in the kitty I thought it would be nce if we split the collection 50:50 between CAMPACC and FP hope this is ok with every one</P>
<P>As soon as they confirm I will post to this list and everyone can start sending the details around, I hope they will confirm beforthe 18th so we can publicise it then (any progress Justin?</P>
<P> </P>
<P><STRONG>Viisit The Events And Issues Website <BR> <A href="http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/">http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/</A> </STRONG></P>
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