<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3>Joy Everyone Esp Steve</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3>Do you want this talk at 2pm 0r 3pm I need to know ASAP for site and other publicity</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3>BTW Steve said in an earlier post that 2pm was better for him</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><FONT size=3>my talk which he cannot attend is still at 3pm</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG> "The Science of Hedonics - is anarchism now a science as well as a <BR>philosophy and ideology?"</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Talk By Joy Wood followed by discussion<BR><BR>anarchy (an'-ar-ki) a political theory, the negation of government, <BR>which <BR>would dispense with all laws, founding authority on the individual <BR>conscience and allowing individual autonomy its fullest development - <BR>Collins Universal Dictionary 1972<BR><BR>Resources:<BR><BR>D Kahneman, E Diener, N Schwarz (eds) "Well-being: the foundations of <BR>hedonic psychology"<BR><BR>Sue Gerhardt "Why Love Matters. How affection shapes a baby's brain."<BR><BR>Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and <BR>Listen <BR>so Kids Will Talk"<BR><BR>Michelle Elliott "501 Ways to be a Good Parent"<BR><BR>Martin EP Seligman "Authentic Happiness"<BR><BR>Penelope Leach "Children First"<BR><BR>Professor Richard Layard "Happiness"<BR><BR>Madeleine Bunting "Willing Slaves"<BR><BR>www.authentichappiness.org<BR><BR></DIV></STRONG></DIV></DIV><BR><BR><DIV>
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