<DIV>My last post in which I said I could attend a meeting on Monday 12th or Friday 16th may not have got through</DIV>
<DIV>In any event nobody else replied to Christian, now I can no longer make the 12th- dont let that stop u </DIV>
<DIV>any other day bar Wed will do this week will be fine(so far)</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>LONDON EVENTS <londonevents2004@yahoo.co.uk></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Chritian<BR><BR>Sorry you cant make Steves talk its at 2pm not 230 <BR>2:30 was my suggested compromise post 24th<BR>Steve could not make 1st or 4th<BR>ok today thursday I am suggesting Monday 12th for the<BR>meet -venue open to suggestion as Adrians experience<BR>seem to rule out pen oak<BR><BR>Friday would also be just as good for me<BR>christian michel <CHR.MICHEL@GMAIL.COM>wrote:<BR><BR>Ed<BR>> With confusions abt dates and so many msgs, I've a<BR>> bit of a prob filling in <BR>> my agenda correctly. <BR>> To recap, if I got it right:<BR>> <BR>> Sat 24th Sept., 2:30 at Freedom Press, Steve Ash<BR>> talks on "William Blake, <BR>> Mystic, Madman or Anarchist?"<BR>> <BR>> Sat 8th Oct., 2:30 at Freedom Press, Adrian<BR>> Williams talks on "Peak Oil And <BR>> The Capitalist System"<BR>> <BR>> Next potential speakers are Justin Ingham on<BR>>
"Ideologies and Typologies" <BR>> and Joy Wood on "The Science of Hedonics - is<BR>> anarchism now a science as <BR>> well as a philosophy and ideology?" (don't want to<BR>> force your hand, Joy, but <BR>> I look forward to that one)<BR>> <BR>> (sorry to sound so formal, but I wanted to get<BR>> things clear in my old fuzzy <BR>> brain).<BR>> <BR>> My personal predicament is that 2nd/4th Sats are<BR>> dates of PFA events (one <BR>> of the reasons I preferred 1st/3rd Sats) and I won't<BR>> be able to make it to <BR>> either Steve's or Adrian's talks, which is a pity,<BR>> and PFA will not <BR>> advertise them. I hv already though got 2 PFA<BR>> members who said they will go <BR>> to Steve's (it's too early for me to mention<BR>> Adrian's).<BR>> <BR>> Regarding a meet up, I'm only free on Mon and Fri<BR>> evening next week (that's <BR>> 12th and 16th Sept). <BR>> <BR><BR>Visit The Events And Issues Website
<BR>for LAF page and lots more<BR>http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/<BR><BR>BOYCOTT NESTLE<BR>www.babymilkaction.org.<BR><BR>Check Out Events At Conway Hall<BR>www.conwayhall.org.uk/events.htm<BR><BR>Free John Graham see Events and Issues Site<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>___________________________________________________________ <BR>To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre. http://uk.security.yahoo.com<BR>_______________________________________________<BR>LAF mailing list<BR>LAF@lists.aktivix.org<BR>http://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/laf<BR></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><BR><BR><DIV>
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<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>4000 babies die every day from unsafe bottle feeding</DIV>
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