<DIV>An Invitation From Mark Thomas<BR></DIV> <DIV>PLEASE CIRCULATE FAR AND WIDE</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Dear Folks<BR><BR>This an invite to attend a demonstration organised by myself in<BR>Parliament Square on the 21st of July at 12.30pm until 1.30pm. The<BR>demonstration is to "Support the I.R.A.'s action of the Easter uprising <BR>in 1916 (a belated support)". A licence for the demonstration has been<BR>applied for under SOCPA and we have been told verbally by the police <BR>that the event has been approved. So this will be a police approved <BR>demonstration.<BR><BR>Obviously the demonstration brings into question the anti terror laws<BR>and follows on the heels of the successful demonstration to "Support <BR>the PKK's objectives of human and cultural rights for Kurds in Turkey." <BR>As a proscribed organisation any support for the PKK is illegal.<BR>However, as the demonstration highlighted the 'objectives of human and <BR>cultural rights" the event
highlighted the problem of proscribing the <BR>PKK and criminalising the Kurdish communities legitimate aspirations<BR>for human rights. This event received widespread coverage in the<BR>Kurdish media.<BR><BR>By supporting the I.R.A.'s action of the Easter uprising we hope to <BR>draw attention to the deeply flawed anti terror laws, especially<BR>glorifying terrorism or acts of terror. The Easter uprising was an <BR>important step on the road to national liberation for Ireland. It is<BR>celebrated in Ireland. Yet in the UK the law could interpret this as <BR>glorifying terror. Though it might be difficult as the police have said<BR>they have approved the permission.<BR><BR>Under the law the definition of a terrorist covers everyone from Nelson<BR>Mandela to Jesus throwing out the money lenders in the temple to GM <BR>crop protesters. Glorifying terrorism would cover the armed resistance <BR>to the military regime in Burma. We have to fight to push the boundaries<BR>of the
state's draconian laws, so join us if you can in Parliament<BR>Square- 21st July 12.30.<BR><BR>Challenge the anti terror laws. Bring flags and banners. <BR><BR>Mark</DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR><DIV>
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