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<DIV></DIV>From: <I>"joy_helbin" <joy_helbin@hotmail.com></I><BR>To: <I>joy_helbin@hotmail.com</I><BR>Subject: <I>Fw: [Fwd: [eff] Fw: 90 seconds to change the world]</I><BR>Date: <I>Sun, 18 Mar 2007 19:15:56 -0000</I><BR>>--- In londonfeministnetwork@yahoogroups.co.uk, Finn Mackay<BR>><finn_mackay@...> wrote:<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>>*Subject:* 90 seconds to change the world<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash/><BR>><BR>>Stop the Clash <http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash/cb.php> Dear<BR>>friends,<BR>><BR>> From New York to Baghdad, Madrid to Beirut, talk is rising of<BR>>a 'clash<BR>>of civilizations' between the West and Islam -- no end in sight to<BR>>the<BR>>catastrophe in Iraq, war brewing between the US and Iran,
Lebanon<BR>>torn<BR>>apart again, and still no real Israeli-Palestinian talks. But we know<BR>>this clash is not about religion or culture. The real cause is<BR>>politics<BR>>- the politics of divide-and-rule, on all sides.<BR>><BR>>This is not the world we want. But it's the world we'll end up with,<BR>>unless we act now. It's time for the peaceful majority – us – to<BR>>make a<BR>>stand. So watch our new 'Stop the Clash' video now for a fresh,<BR>>empowering take on these conflicts, and a concrete first step we can<BR>>all<BR>>take today:<BR>><BR>>www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash<BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash/cb.php><BR>><BR>>According to the UN among others, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is<BR>>the driving symbol of this "clash" between Islam and the West. But<BR>>opinion polls show most people around
the world agree that policy is<BR>>the<BR>>problem – big majorities everywhere want peace in the Middle East,<BR>>as do<BR>>most Israelis and Palestinians. If progress toward peace is made<BR>>there,<BR>>it will spread.<BR>><BR>>So let's take the first step, and call for REAL Middle East peace<BR>>talks<BR>>now. Click below to join the campaign:<BR>><BR>>www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash<BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash/cb.php><BR>><BR>>Tens of thousands of people have already signed the petition and<BR>>supported an ad that ran on the front page of the Financial Times<BR>>worldwide and in major Palestinian and Israeli newspapers.<BR>><BR>>Now we need to raise the pressure, ratcheting up to a major<BR>>international day of action on June 5th – the 40th anniversary of the<BR>>1967 war that began the occupation
of the West Bank and Gaza. We<BR>>want to<BR>>hit every international summit and decision moment from now till then<BR>>with the same demand. Can you help get us to 50,000 new voices for<BR>>peace<BR>>in the next 24 hours?<BR>><BR>>www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash<BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_clash/cb.php><BR>><BR>>We agree on what matters most. We all oppose war, tyranny, terror and<BR>>the killing of innocent civilians. We know these conflicts are caused<BR>>not by some inevitable culture clash, but by bad politics. The 'Stop<BR>>the<BR>>Clash' video is a good way to remind friends, family and colleagues<BR>>of<BR>>the big picture of all we share – and signing the Real Talks<BR>>petition is<BR>>a step every one of us can take. So click above to see Avaaz's<BR>>new "Stop<BR>>the Clash" video, spread the word, and
act now...<BR>><BR>>With hope,<BR>><BR>>Paul, Galit, Fitri, Hannah, Ricken, Graziela, Jeremy, Lee-Sean and<BR>>the<BR>>whole Avaaz.org <http://www.avaaz.org/en> team<BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>>Contact Avaaz <http://www.avaaz.org/en/contact.php> | Feedback<BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/contact.php> | Media & Press<BR>><http://www.avaaz.org/en/media.php><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>><BR>>___________________________________________________________<BR>>Yahoo! Messenger - with free PC-PC calling and photo sharing.<BR>>http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com<BR>><BR>>--- End forwarded message ---<BR>><BR>><BR></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></div><br clear=all><hr>Match.com - <a href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUK/2746??PS=47575" target="_top">Click Here To Find Singles In Your Area Today!</a> </html>