<DIV align=center><STRONG>This is by necessity a short issues having come after a longer than usual gap and being sent out in order to promote the Black Cat event on the 25th Aug</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG></STRONG> </DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>I have posted mor info on the events and issues website </STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG><A href="http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com">www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com</A></STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>including some you may already have had as a separate mailing , but new events and issues are always being added. Check out also the new Book Events site as below</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG></STRONG> </DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>There will be two new Book Reviews posted on the events and issues site in the next week or so . Your contributions as ever are requested</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>Ed </STRONG></DIV>
<DIV align=center><STRONG>======================================================</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>Please Circulate details of this event</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG></STRONG> </DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>Black Cat Press Presents</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center> <DIV align=center><STRONG>A<BR><FONT size=5>BRING & SHARE BOOK PARTY</FONT></STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center>to which you are Cordially Invited </DIV></DIV> <DIV align=center> </DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>Sat 25th Aug 2007</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>from 2pm till 6pm</STRONG> </DIV> <DIV align=center> </DIV> <DIV align=center>at Freedom Press, </DIV> <DIV align=center>Angel Alley</DIV> <DIV align=center>84b Whitecxhapel High St</DIV> <DIV align=center>London E1 7QX</DIV> <DIV align=center>(Angel Alley Is Next Top Whitechapel Art Gallery</DIV> <DIV align=center>in Fact Entrance to Gallery is now in
the Alley)</DIV> <DIV align=center>see <A href="http://www.freedompress.org.uk/">www.freedompress.org.uk</A></DIV> <DIV align=center>for map</DIV> <DIV align=center>Ring FP 0207 247-9249 if you are lost on the day</DIV> <DIV align=center> </DIV> <DIV align=center> </DIV> <DIV align=center>SO WHATS T A BRING AND SHARE BOOK PARTY? <BR><BR>You Bring Food & Drink To Share<STRONG> and </STRONG>a book or two to donate to Black</DIV> <DIV align=center>Cat Press</DIV> <DIV align=center>Proceeds of book sales on the day(and any sold after)</DIV> <DIV align=center>will be Shared 50 :: 50 between <STRONG>Freedom Press and Black Cat Press</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center>==========================================</DIV> <DIV align=center>You can bring all sorts of Books, fiction/non fiction</DIV> <DIV align=center>They will be sold mostly for between .50p &£2.00</DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG>See You
There Please Invite Others</STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center>===========================================</DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=4>Book Events</FONT></STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT size=4><A href="http://www.freewebs.com/bookevents">www.freewebs.com/bookevents</A></FONT></STRONG></DIV> <DIV align=center>Check out this new website</DIV> <DIV align=center>Your submission of <STRONG>short</STRONG> <STRONG>Book Reviews</STRONG> (100 words or less)</DIV> <DIV align=center>would be welcome also details of any </DIV> <DIV align=center>Book Sales/Book Fairs in your area, small publishers independent booksellers</DIV> <DIV align=center>and book events such as Readings Book Clubs etc</DIV> <DIV align=center>The site is in the process of being built but check out all pages</DIV> <DIV align=center>The menue includes links so Freedom Press is of course a separate site</DIV> <DIV
align=center>===================================================</DIV><BR><BR><DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV> <DIV>Visit The Events And Issues Website </DIV> <DIV>for LAF page and lots more</DIV> <DIV><A href="http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/">http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>BOYCOTT NESTLE</DIV> <DIV><A href="http://www.babymilkaction.org/">www.babymilkaction.org</A>.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Shut Down Guantanamo Bay<BR>see London Page at<BR><A href="http://www.guantanamo.org.uk">www.guantanamo.org.uk</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV><BR><BR> </DIV> <DIV><BR> </DIV> <DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p>
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