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To: <A href="mailto:londonfeministnetwork@yahoogroups.co.uk">londonfeministnetwork@yahoogroups.co.uk</A>;<BR>
From: nimda<BR>Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 15:56:51 +0000<BR>Subject: [londonfeministnetwork] [Fwd: The Home Affairs Select Committee into Domestic Violence and Forced Marriage eConsultation open from 21 January to 29 February 2008]<BR><BR><BR>
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(Women who provide or use services that support women surviving domestic <BR>violence or forced marriage might want to contribute to this online <BR>consultation as some of the questions it is asking are specificallyabout <BR>services by voluntary sector groups. Not sure how widely it hasbeen <BR>publicised but there is only a month to provide feedback. Nimda)<BR><BR>The Home Affairs Select Committee into Domestic Violence and Forced <BR>Marriage eConsultation open from 21 January to 29 February 2008<BR><BR>The Home Affairs Committee’s eConsultation is running this onlineforum <BR>as part of our wider inquiry into domestic violence, to listen to the <BR>views of people who have first-hand experience of domestic violence.<BR><BR>For the purposes of our inquiry we are using the Government definition <BR>of domestic violence which encompasses forced marriage and <BR>“honour-based” violence.<BR><BR>“Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse <BR>(psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults <BR>who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of <BR>gender or sexuality”<BR><BR>So if you, someone in your family or a close friend has experienced any <BR>form of domestic violence, been forced into marriage or subjected to <BR>honour-based violence and you want to comment on any of the issues <BR>raised, please help us by having your say. We especially want to hear <BR>about your experience of mainstream services (e.g. the police, courts, <BR>health and social services) and of support services (e.g. from refuges, <BR>voluntary agencies). And we’re interested in where things are done well, <BR>as well as what could be improved.<BR><BR>*This forum will run until 29 February 2008.* The posts we receive, <BR>along with the written and oral evidence gathered during the inquiry, <BR>will shape the recommendations we make to the Government in our report.<BR><BR>The online forum has the following topics you can contribute to:<BR><BR>* Do victims of domestic violence receive the support they need<BR>from public and voluntary sector organisations?<BR>* Are victims of “honour-based” violence helped enough by public and<BR>voluntary sector agencies?<BR>* Are there adequate support services for people who are forced into<BR>marriage against their will?<BR>* What single action would most improve the lives of victims and<BR>survivors of all forms of domestic violence?<BR><BR>at <A href="http://forums.parliament.uk/dvec/index.php?index,1" target=_blank>http://forums.<WBR>parliament.<WBR>uk/dvec/index.<WBR>php?index,<WBR>1</A><BR><BR>There is advice on how to use the online forum and protect your anonymity<BR><BR>To read the terms of the Inquiry as they were announced last year go to <BR><A href="http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/home_affairs_committee/hacpn070726no38.cfm" target=_blank>http://www.parliame<WBR>nt.uk/parliament<WBR>ary_committees/<WBR>home_affairs_<WBR>committee/<WBR>hacpn070726no38.<WBR>cfm</A><BR><BR><A href="http://womensphere.wordpress.com/2008/01/23/the-home-affairs-select-committee-into-domestic-violence-and-forced-marriage-econsultation-open-from-21-january-to-29-february-2008/" target=_blank>http://womensphere.<WBR>wordpress.<WBR>com/2008/<WBR>01/23/the-<WBR>home-affairs-<WBR>select-committee<WBR>-into-domestic-<WBR>violence-<WBR>and-forced-<WBR>marriage-<WBR>econsultation-<WBR>open-from-<WBR>21-january-<WBR>to-29-february-<WBR>2008/</A><BR><BR><BR></DIV>
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