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To: londonfeministnetwork<BR>From: finn<BR>Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 22:34:39 +0000<BR>Subject: [londonfeministnetwork] news report about International Women's Day (at a point in the future)<BR><BR>
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Thanks to Rachel who forwarded this for IWD. Its the best thing I've seen on Indymedia for a long time!Wish it were true...<BR>Dramatic shifts in international power on women's day<BR>a woman | <BR>08.03.2008 09:32 <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>International Women’s day has marked a series of actions which havedramatically shifted international power across the planet. Therevolution began in a phenomenal series of mass mobilised action whichhas transformed the face of global power, military and economics overthe course of a weekend. <BR><BR>This unprecedented shift has been the result of a mass mobilisation ofwomen from all walks of life around the globe. This undergrounddevelopm<WBR>ent of women’s communities has gone unnoticed by police andgovernment officials who believed that by closing women’s resourcecentres and removing services women had lost their only remainingopportunit<WBR>ies for solidarity. <BR><BR>Reportssuggest that undetected organisations have been in place for months,preparing women to withdraw free labour and care provision on which theglobal economic and power structures rely. This organised withdrawal ofthese services on International women’s day coincided with organisedmilitary coups worldwide. <BR><BR>Women have seized control ofInternational military power. Rape, sexual violence, and thedestruction of the environment has been a long term weapon of war but amajor transformation is now underway. Operation Phoenix began at 2amGMT Saturday morning with unprecedented support from working classcommunities, military families and victims of war united. <BR><BR>Militarypersonal will be re-trained in permaculture and non-violentcommunic<WBR>ation and deployed to support global and communityenvironmen<WBR>tal projects. All forms of industrial agriculture and animalfarming have been blocked and labourers and workers in these industrieshave the opportunity to retrain and join the replacement permaculturesystem. Animals formerly captivated for use in the meat and animalfarming industries will be carefully integrated into thisenvironmentally holistic society or released into the wild. <BR><BR>Italso appears that Operation Phoenix has infiltrated major drugscompanies, and in the last hour leading pharmaceutical companiesPfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, H.Lundbeck and Janssen Pharmaceuticals haveannounced their collapse, with further reports of closures coming in. <BR><BR>Freeand broad reaching holistic health services have been revealed toreplace these pharmaceutical industries which will offer a broad rangeof healing and emotional support to all people regardless of socialstatus and are based on real choice for those seeking care. <BR><BR>Aseries of targeted explosions across around the globe have eliminatedall stock exchanges and international finance records. There have beenminor reports of fatalities with 47 of the leading hedge fund managersreported assassinated. With the financial global super power removedthe notion of ‘developing countries’ has been eradicated and the battlefor obtaining the earth’s resources at the cost of human and naturallife is over. <BR><BR>With the fall of capitalist power structureoperation phoenix have announced that all people will be cared for andtheir needs met. A spokes woman for phoenix said “There are more thanenough resources on this planet to support and care for everyone’sneeds, the rich/poor divide no-longer exists. Those who are willing tocooperate and work together, offering what skills and level ofcontribution they can will never be without food shelter or care, thereis no room for hierarchy on this planet, we will work with and learnfrom the earth, by doing this we will all be free. Capitalism has noplace in the future of this planet.” <BR><BR>With all this workhappening the sound of men, women and children celebrating in thestreets and fields can be heard across the planet, There’s a realfeeling of hope in the air, an excitement as collectively we welcometomorrow and the beginning of a new world which places the values ofequality, freedom, creativity and nurture above the old ways ofcontrol, profit and power. <BR><BR><BR>a woman <BR>
<BR>Finn Fox says, "Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play in your hair."<BR><BR>____________<WBR>_________<WBR>_________<WBR>_________<WBR>_________<WBR>_________<WBR>_ <BR></DIV></DIV>
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