.hmmessage P
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Hi Scott<BR>
Good idea to meet up at Kingston rail station at 2pm <BR>
BUT don't wait for ME as don't know what time I'll get there. <BR>
I WILL however come for the meal in the evening. I think V <BR>
said he was going to book a table for 6 or 8 at the <BR>
Riverside Vegetaria, 64 High Street, Kingston-upon-Thames, but I <BR>
can't remember if that was a definite, or just something discussed. <BR>
If u have his number perhaps you could discuss it with him. <BR>
Kingston Green Fair is not that big and we're bound to <BR>
bump into each other (famous last words!) but, if not, <BR>
maybe we can meet at the exit gate from the fair at <BR>
6.30pm and walk to the restaurant together.<BR>C U Monday<BR>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 16:02:30 +0000<BR>From: antines@yahoo.co.uk<BR>To: laf@lists.aktivix.org<BR>CC: camilla@camillamartin.freeserve.co.uk; jochaplin@yahoo.com; steveash_2001@yahoo.co.uk; barryodea@gmail.com; freedomcopy@aol.com; ianbuxton2003@yahoo.co.uk; sw003c0056@blueyonder.co.uk<BR>Subject: [LAF] Fwd from Scott<BR><BR>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TD>Scott is not on the LAF list and does not have all the address oif everyon so I am sending this on<BR><BR>
<DIV class=EC_widget-content align=left>Ed McArthur 07981 90Hi All,<BR>=================================================<BR><STRONG>So, are we still up for Monday? Can I suggest we meet at <SPAN class=EC_yshortcuts id=EC_lw_1211298956_0 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">Kingston</SPAN> rail <BR>station at 2pm (with the possible exception of Volodya, who I believe is <BR>planning to go earlier).<BR><BR>Do we want to go to that veggie restaurant by the river too? In which <BR>case, should we book, and how many for?<BR><BR>Speak soon,<BR><BR>Scott<BR><BR>PS Please forward this to anyone else you think might be interested. I <BR>don't have addresses for all the regular curry-goers.<BR><BR>0 563</STRONG><A href="http://www.babymilkaction.org/resources/boycott/nestlefree.html" target=_blank rel=nofollow><STRONG><IMG height=157 alt="Nestl?-Free small" src="http://www.babymilkaction.org/flash/nestlefreezone.gif" width=136 border=0></STRONG></A></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1><STRONG>see Events & Issues website </STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1><STRONG> </STRONG></FONT><A href="http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/events.html" target=_blank rel=nofollow><FONT size=1><STRONG>http://www.eventsandissues.bravehost.com/events.html</STRONG></FONT></A><FONT size=1><STRONG> For LAF and lots more</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=1><STRONG>See Book Events</STRONG></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://www.freewebs.com/bookevents/" target=_blank rel=nofollow><FONT color=#003399 size=6><SPAN class=EC_yshortcuts id=EC_lw_1196243262_0><STRONG><FONT size=1>http://www.freewebs.com/bookevents</FONT>/</STRONG></SPAN></FONT></A></DIV>
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