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Wow! Impressive collection!<BR><BR>> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 10:10:01 +0100<BR>> From: Volodya@WhenGendarmeSleeps.org<BR>> To: laf@lists.aktivix.org<BR>> Subject: [LAF] Films?<BR>> <BR>> My yesterday's e-mail didn't make it for some reason.<BR>> <BR>> Also, Ed, Jesus Camp is 1:24:33 long.<BR>> <BR>> -------- Original Message --------<BR>> Hi, on Saturday Ed and i discussed the possibility of maybe having a film<BR>> showing for LAF, so here's the list of things which are politicky enough in my<BR>> opinion... (sorry if something not politic oriented slipped through)<BR>> <BR>> 4 Little Girls (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> 638 Ways To Kill Castro (eng).avi<BR>> A History of Violence (eng)(eng-com).ogv<BR>> A.L.F. - The Frontline.mpeg<BR>> Aaron McGruder - H2K2 NYC2002 (eng).mpeg<BR>> Adolf Eichmann: The Secret Memoirs - Part 1 (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Adolf Eichmann: The Secret Memoirs - Part 2 (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> After the Warming by James Burke (eng).mp3.h264.avi<BR>> Aftershock (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Agony [1974] - Part 1 (rus)(eng)(fra).ogv<BR>> Agony [1974] - Part 2 (rus)(eng)(fra).ogv<BR>> Alliance - Weather Underground (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Amistad (eng)(deu).ogv<BR>> Anarchism in America [1983] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Animal Farm (eng).ogv<BR>> Atheism - Rough History of Disbelief (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e1-2 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e3-4 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Atheism - Supplemental Episodes e5-6 (eng)(sub-eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Babel (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Babel [2006] (eng)(rus).ogv<BR>> Baldwin's Nigger [1969] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> BBC Correspondent - War Spin - Saving Private Lynch (eng).DivX.avi<BR>> BBC: A War on Science (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> BBC: Chernobyl Accident (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> BBC: Five Steps To Tyranny [2000] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> BBC: Robert Winston - Origins of Religion - 1 of 2 (eng).mkv<BR>> BBC: The World's Greatest Conspiracy Theories - Mind Control (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> BBC: This World - Child Slavery (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Behind the Music That Sucks - 02 - Cherry Poppin' Pop Stars! (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Behind the Music That Sucks - 04 - Killin' Cops and Hip-Hop (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Blinkenlights (eng).mpeg<BR>> Bolivia (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Born Rich (eng).mpeg<BR>> Bowling for Columbine (eng)(eng-com).XviD.avi<BR>> Bullworth [1998] (eng).ogv<BR>> Capitalism and Other Kids Stuff (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Catch-22 (eng)(deu).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> CBC - [2006Nov15] - Fifth Estate, The Denial Machine (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> CBC - [2006Nov20] - Passionate Eye Inside al Qaeda, A Spy's Story (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> CBC - [2007Jan27] - Our World, Our Fragile Planet (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> CBC - Doc Zone - China's Sexual Revolution (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> censorship_part1.mov<BR>> censorship_part2.mov<BR>> Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 01 - Assassination of Russia (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 02 - Chechen Lullaby (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 03 - Terror in Moscow (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Chechnya Film Festifal [2003] - 04 - Murder with International Consent<BR>> (rus).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Chronicle of a Disappearance [1996] (ara).ogv<BR>> Chronicle of a Disappearance [1996] (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Circus Suffering (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 01 - Skin of Our Teeth (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 02 - Great Thaw (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 03 - Romance and Reality (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 04 - Man - The Measure of All Things (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 05 - Hero as Artist (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 06 - Protest and Communication (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 07 - Grandeur and Obedience (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 08 - Light of Experience (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 09 - Pursuit of Happiness (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 10 - Smile of Reason (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 11 - Wonder of Nature (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 12 - Fallacies of Hope (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Civilisation - 13 - Heroic Materialism (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> COINTELPRO - The FBI's War on Black America (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Color Purple (eng).ogv<BR>> Coming Out (deu).ogv<BR>> Coming Out (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Conspiracy of Silence (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Crash (eng)(esp).ogv<BR>> Cult of the Suicide Bomber [2005] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Devour the Earth (eng).avi<BR>> Diary of a Nudist [1961] (eng).ogv<BR>> Die.Fetten.Jahre.sind.vorbei.-.The.Edukators_Posted_By_Gianni_Paolo-CD1.avi<BR>> Die.Fetten.Jahre.sind.vorbei.-.The.Edukators_Posted_By_Gianni_Paolo-CD2.avi<BR>> Discovery Channel - G4L - Lost.Nuke (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Discovery: FBI Files - No Mercy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Discovery: Wave-Shocked World (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Doctor Zhivago [1995] (eng).ogv<BR>> Eckhart_Tolle-The_Power_of_Not_Knowing.DivX.avi<BR>> Escape from Gulag (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Escape from New York (eng)(eng-com).ogv<BR>> Escape from the Gulag (deu)(rus).ogv<BR>> Fifth Estate - Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> First Do No Harm [1996] (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Fred_Korematsu_Story.avi<BR>> Frontline - Memory of the Camps (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Future of Bit Torrent (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Gandhi (eng)(deu)(sub-fra).XviD.avi<BR>> Geronimo: An American Legend [1993] (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(esp).ogv<BR>> Glen or Glenda (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Good Bye, Lenin! (deu)(rus).ogv<BR>> H3 (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> HARDtalk - Animal-Rights-Bomber (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Heavy_Watergate.avi<BR>> History Channel - Declassified Tainanman Square (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> History Channel: The Russian Mafia (eng).ac3.DivX.avi<BR>> Horizon - We Love Cigarettes (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Hotel Rwanda [MercifulRelease].avi<BR>> Howard Zinn - You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train [2004] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> I Am Cuba (esp).ogv<BR>> I Am Cuba (sub-eng).srt<BR>> IBM Verichip and the Fourth Reich (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Idiocracy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Igniting the Revolution - An Introduction to the Earth Liberation Front (eng).mpeg<BR>> Il Postino - Soundtrack Featurette (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Il Postino (esp)(eng-com)(sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Inside Deep Throat (eng).ogv<BR>> Israel's Secret Weapon (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Jesus Camp (2006) (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hitman (eng).adpcm.DivX.avi<BR>> Kidulthood (eng).ogv<BR>> Let Them Live (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Liberation [2006] (eng).ogv<BR>> Lilya 4-ever (rus).ogv<BR>> Lilya 4-ever (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Lola (esp).ogv<BR>> Lola (sub-deu).srt<BR>> Mahatma Ghandi - Pilgrim of Peace (eng).avi<BR>> Manufacturing consent Part1 Noam Chomsky & the media (vo sub eng) DaveFromMars<BR>> 2006.avi<BR>> Manufacturing consent Part2 Noam Chomsky & the media (vo sub eng) DaveFromMars<BR>> 2006.avi<BR>> Manufacturing Dissent (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> McLibel [2005] (eng).ogv<BR>> Meeting Resistance [2007] (sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> MEF.Edward.Said.Lecture.The.Myth.of.the.Clash.of.Civilzations.mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> mitw-palestine-middle-east-chomsky-21sep2006.rm<BR>> Money as Debt [2006] (eng) .mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve (eng).wmv<BR>> New York City Hackers (eng).mp42.avi<BR>> Nineteen Eighty Four [1984] (eng)(deu)(fra)(esp).ogv<BR>> Normal (eng)(deu).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> October 1917 [1927] (sub-eng).ogv<BR>> Oil Peak (eng).mp4<BR>> Pallywood (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> PBS Frontline: American Porn (eng).mpeg<BR>> PBS: Emma Goldman (eng).avi<BR>> PBS: Fighting Child Prostitution [2008May30] (eng).mp2.mp4.avi<BR>> PBS: The War in Iraq, Through Photographers' Eyes [2006] (eng).avi<BR>> People & Power - Our new best friend - the Butcher of Andijan (eng).a52.DivX.avi<BR>> People's History of the United States (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> PeppersprayProductions-IndymediaPresentsHowDidWeGetTricked778.mp4<BR>> Pirates of Silicon Valley (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Power of Nightmares - 01 - Rise of the Politics of Fear (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Power of Nightmares - 02 - Phantom Victory (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Pressure [1975] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> RATM in Trotsky's residence.ogv<BR>> RAWA - Bin Laden v Wonder Woman (eng).mpeg<BR>> RCG_Vol_3_CIF_Roxio_Makes_SVCD.cif<BR>> Refusing to Kill (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Revolution OS.mp4<BR>> Rich Media, Poor Democracy (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Riddle (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> Sad Eyes and Empty Lives - Reality of Zoos (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Secret Scenario [2007] (rus).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> September Tapes (eng)(rus).ogv<BR>> Sex Slaves - Frontline Documentary.avi<BR>> Shamil' Basayev - Interview to A. Babiczkij (rus).wmv<BR>> Skinheads USA - Soldiers of Race War (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Sobach'ye Serdczye (rus).ogv<BR>> Sobach'ye Serdczye (sub-eng).srt<BR>> Society of the Spectacle (fra)(sub-eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Statement (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Stealing a Nation, A Special Report by John Pilger (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> StealThisFilm.Part1.mov<BR>> Stolen Children (eng).ogv<BR>> Strike (orc)(eng-com)(sub-rus)(sub-eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Supersize Me (eng)(eng-com).ogv<BR>> Tank Girl (eng)(deu).XviD.avi<BR>> Thatcher: The Making of Margaret (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 01 - The Battle of China (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 02 - Land Grabs (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 03 - The Rape of Nanking (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 04 - Westward to Freedom (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 05 - The Burma Road (eng).ogv<BR>> The Battle of China - 06 - Changsha (eng).ogv<BR>> The Code [2001] (int)(sub-sve).avi<BR>> The Free Voice of Labour - The Jewish Anarchists (eng).avi<BR>> The Naked Venus [1958] (eng).ogv<BR>> The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 01 - The Enigma of the Swastika<BR>> (eng).ogv<BR>> The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 02 - The SS: Blood and Soil (eng).ogv<BR>> The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 03 - Himmler the Mystic (eng).ogv<BR>> The Occult History of the Third Reich [1987] - 04 - Adolf Hitler (eng).ogv<BR>> The Source [1999] (eng).ogv<BR>> Tianamen Square - Tank Man [2006] (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Tibet.Cry.of.the.Snow.Lion.1of2.Xvid.AC3.www.mvgroup.org.avi<BR>> Tibet.Cry.of.the.Snow.Lion.2of2.Xvid.AC3.www.mvgroup.org.avi<BR>> TimewatchOperationGl1.avi<BR>> TimewatchOperationGl2.avi<BR>> TimewatchOperationGl3.avi<BR>> Truth or Dairy (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> TVO - Human Edge: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs [07-02-2007] - 1<BR>> (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> TVO - Human Edge: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs [07-02-2007] - 2<BR>> (eng).mp3.XviD.avi<BR>> Ugly Swans [2006] (rus)(sub-eng).ogv<BR>> V for Vendetta (eng)(deu).ogv<BR>> VeganGal.com (eng).XviD.avi<BR>> Viva Zapata [1952] (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(spa).ogv<BR>> Voices from the Front [1991] (eng).avi<BR>> Waco Day 51 - The True Story of Waco (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> Waco The New Revelation (eng).wmv<BR>> Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price (eng).ogg.XviD.ogm<BR>> War Comes to America - 07 - War Comes to America (eng).ogv<BR>> War Comes to America - 08 - Safe for Democracy (eng).ogv<BR>> War Comes to America - 09 - Tomorrow the World (eng).ogv<BR>> War Comes to America - 10 - Extraordinary Session (eng).ogv<BR>> War Comes to America - 11 - National Defense (eng).ogv<BR>> War Comes to America - 12 - Day of Infamy (eng).ogv<BR>> War.on.Terra.part.1.of.3.-.The.End.of.the.World.as.We.Know.It.avi<BR>> War.on.Terra.part.2.of.3.-.Seven.Days.That.Shook.the.Weathermen.avi<BR>> War.on.Terra.part.3.of.3.-.What.Would.Jesus.Drive.ws.divx.avi<BR>> Wargames (eng)(fra)(deu)(ita)(esp)(eng-com).ogv<BR>> Wilderness [2006] (eng).ogv<BR>> World According to Bush (eng).mpeg<BR>> Zapatista [1999] (eng).mp3.DivX.avi<BR>> <BR>> Even if we won't have the film day, if you like something on this list ask away,<BR>> i'll burn it for you... and if you ever wish to see the unabridged version of my<BR>> film collection you can ask off the list also.<BR>> <BR>> Now my personal votes (in alphabetic order):<BR>> <BR>> Baldwin's Nigger - that's the talk of James Baldwin when he came to this country<BR>> in 1969.<BR>> Nineteen Eighty Four - the classic really deserves to be seen if somebody hasn't<BR>> already<BR>> PBS: Emma Goldman - A documentary film, "Anarchism in America" and "Jewish<BR>> Anarchists" can also be a good one.<BR>> Tank Man - The story about the Tianamen Square insident<BR>> Viva Zapata - A bit hollywoody, but a good story about Zapata<BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> http://freedom.libsyn.com/ Voice of Freedom, Radical Podcast<BR>> http://eng.anarchopedia.org/ Anarchopedia, A Free Knowledge Portal<BR>> <BR>> "None of us are free until all of us are free." ~ Mihail Bakunin<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> http://freedom.libsyn.com/ Voice of Freedom, Radical Podcast<BR>> http://eng.anarchopedia.org/ Anarchopedia, A Free Knowledge Portal<BR>> <BR>> "None of us are free until all of us are free." ~ Mihail Bakunin<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> LAF mailing list<BR>> LAF@lists.aktivix.org<BR>> https://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/laf<BR><br /><hr />Get fish-slapping on Messenger! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/101719805/direct/01/' target='_new'>Play Now</a></body>