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Thank you for answering my question. My next query, if you are still interested in this conversation, is what should a community do if it knows one of its members is a rapist?<BR>
Sarah<BR><BR>> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 10:48:36 +0100<BR>> From: Volodya@WhenGendarmeSleeps.org<BR>> To: laf@lists.aktivix.org<BR>> Subject: Re: [LAF] omfg<BR>> <BR>> Sarah Loewenbein wrote:<BR>> > Hello,<BR>> > <BR>> > I may be missing your point, but what do rape test kits specifically <BR>> > have to do with prisons? I presume that being against prisons doesn't <BR>> > mean that you are also against some/any kind of (reparative?) justice?<BR>> > <BR>> > Sarah<BR>> <BR>> Hi,<BR>> <BR>> Well, punitive system has nothing to do with reparation, it has to do with <BR>> punishment (by the very definition of the term) in this case revenge-driven <BR>> punishment.<BR>> <BR>> Justice is such a misused term these days that i sometimes don't know what *i* <BR>> mean by it when i say the word.<BR>> <BR>> And to answer your first question, i guess that in theory it is possible to have <BR>> a society which would have a forensic test to determine if somebody has been <BR>> raped or not, but then not have a penal system to punish anybody. The thing is <BR>> that we aren't living in that society, and i find it difficult to figure out why <BR>> such an arrangement would exist, i for one would argue that without the punitive <BR>> measures in place it would be much more constructive to simply take the <BR>> survivor's word for it, and accept it all as truth.<BR>> <BR>> So i was talking about the society which we have today, not some hypothetical <BR>> one; and today forensic examination is done in the case of rape for one reason <BR>> and one reason alone, and that is to have the "evidence" in the "court of law" <BR>> to incarcerate somebody.<BR>> <BR>> My point, however, was that my opposition to the penal system is an opposition <BR>> to the state having power to lock somebody up, not the opposition to the <BR>> survivor of an assault.<BR>> <BR>> - Volodya<BR>> <BR>> -- <BR>> http://freedom.libsyn.com/ Echo of Freedom, Radical Podcast<BR>> http://eng.anarchopedia.org/ Anarchopedia, A Free Knowledge Portal<BR>> http://www.freedomporn.org/ Freedom Porn, anarchist and activist smut<BR>> <BR>> "None of us are free until all of us are free." ~ Mihail Bakunin<BR>> <BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> LAF mailing list<BR>> LAF@lists.aktivix.org<BR>> https://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/laf<BR><BR><br /><hr />Win £3000 to spend on whatever you want at Uni! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/111354032/direct/01/' target='_new'>Click here to WIN!</a></body>