[matilda] Tonight's meeting

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Mon Nov 28 11:49:47 GMT 2005


Currently there are no new items on the WIKI for tonight's agenda - just 
the standard ones. Is there anything anyone wants to talk about?

The last minutes agreed:

* Next big meeting to be structured as small groups, otherwise 
unfeasible to handle so many issues in two hours.

Amp has said that no facilitation will be required, coz people are 
breaking into groups.  I think a bit more thought is needed there. E.g.

1. Has anyone got anything they want to talk about tonight? Presently 
there's nothing to break down into groups *about*.  Although I'm sure 
that won't stop the meeting going on for two hours...!
2. Will there be an intro session with the issues laid out, so people 
can choose their group?
3. Will new proposals go to the whole group?
4. We'll presumably need a feedback session with 'spokes' from each 
small group - to feed into the minutes and to wrap up?

The Monday meetings have become fairly awful.  I've been to two recently 
and they were not fun.

Obviously, it might be a bit much to expect meetings to energise you all 
the time! But we should be able to work out how to make them work.

If we can work out how to have a good and positive meeting - and I know 
we can! - I'm sure I and a lot of other people would love to come!

One issue to carry over from last week:

* Group gathering: A proposal was made for a gathering of the anarchist 
federation to take place in Matilda in December. *Not passed* as blocked 
by a Matilda person; to be brought back to next meeting, on the grounds 
of it being reasonable.


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