[matilda] and it's useful to write a proper description in the subject line too..

Joe Public iloveavocado at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 10 12:41:23 BST 2005

Oh gosh, I hardly ever write on this list and now I'm writing twice in one 

If you're posting to this list in reply to someone else's comments, please 
delete their comment so it isn't trailing after yours in a flurry of >>>>'s. 
If you want their comment to be there, either quote it in your reply, or 
edit it. It's easy to go back and read previous emails, and carelessly 
copied emails really clutter up the digest.

Thanks, over and out.


>this is the kind
>of thing I mean
>but going on for pages
>and pages
>and it hurts my eyes
>anyone going to hangoverheartattack
>bickle's cab
>get stuff et al
>tonight? see
>you there

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