[matilda] re: 31st January 2006 Matilda meeting

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at telefonica.net
Tue Feb 7 21:14:48 GMT 2006

This is also in reply to Eric's

dear 0742, i think Eric was talking also about the change in structure, 
this does not affect the purse unfortunately i mean the budget to be 

i understand we're  doing voluntary work, not asking for reimbursement 
of costs but exceptionally, we are investing our time and work in 
Matilda because we have chosen to do so.

Then Eric is not aware that some persons in the art collective don't use 
email as means of communication: we have regular meetings, before the 
big monday meetings are held, so it's easy to contact Simon, Matt, 
Sarah... They should be asked , if not first, simultaneously to matilda 
collective, since they are the crew currently working at the art space, 
stripping walls, etc. Future exhibitions in Matilda or about Matilda are 
being planned, but preferential right will be given (to put it in this 
legal jargon) to persons who are now working to develop the gallery 
downstairs. So Eric if you'd want to collaborate with us (myself 
included even if away for a few of weeks), just contact us.

This does not imply or mean anything in relation to what the other 
collectives in Matilda may think about the issue...

worldwarfree at riseup.net wrote:

> Eric, it looks like the art collective will have to get together and raise
> the money themselves to put cultural things on in future.. you can bring
> the argument up at some meetings but don't expect results.. cultural
> fascists will hardly support these ideas and as atw states(not that he's a
> cultural fascist..): we have to be skimpish on stuff because the little
> amount of money matilda has, most of it has been allocated towards paying
> bills.
> i thought was the art05 beer money issue had been resolved but if the
> money is that important then i'll give it..
> but do remember some are aware of a loan the cafe collective have given,
> the lunched out 40 pounds and despite this, we dig up a previously
> resolved issue about a small amount of money mis-spent..
> 0742
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