<div id="RTEContent">Been thinking for a while about this idea for Matilda... Only problem i can see is how we get the money for it to buy the stock, or maybe other people have ideas, contacts on how to do this succesfully from scratch.<br> <br> But, if small packs of basics were bought from Lembas (small as in 1Kg packs to save on the hassle and hygiene of divi-ing it up from bulk) they could be marked up 10% on what we paid for to cover costs. The "shop" could then be open one afternoon (or more) a week to you on this list and everybody else as well - by opening to anyone on the street, through the other double doors used during Art05, have it in one of the rooms and lock it up afterwards.<br> <br> Foodstuff's priceswould rival the supermarket, this is not just practical for us and the wider customer but buying food like this (and eating it!) is educational too. <br> <br> Just an idea, so i'm putting this in proposal-speak. Though i would be more than happy if anyone else felt they
had the know-how and ingenuity to help start this up, or someone took the idea and did it themselves. This building has the space to do it, a lot of people have the need for it and i would definately support it - both financially and with my time as well.<br> <br> A. hippy<br> <br> <br> <br> </div><p>
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