hello, <br>
can someone please put the following on the website?<br>
*thursdays 19th and 26th jan<br>
>From midday bread baking workshop. Please come down and join in!<br>
*Weekend 21st and 22nd Jan Saving iceland gathering. Preparing for the protests in iceland this summer. <br>
anyone planning to go is welcome to come<br>
*Weekend 28th to 29th jan Cycle roadshow gathering<br>
for activists planning on being on the pro cycling roadshow for a month next sunday<br>
***help in kitchen required please email <a href="mailto:carryonclimbing@gmail.com">carryonclimbing@gmail.com</a> if you can help thurs 26th to 28th<br>
* sunday 5th Feb<br>
Cycle skill share, bring your bike in need of tender loving care and we will fix your bike and teach you how we've done it!<br>
Tools and experienced people always appreciated<br>
The cycle collective is planning to be formed out of this event<br>
thank you and see you at these events!!!<br>