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<br><br><br><br><blockquote><hr>From: ceilidhruth@hotmail.com<br>To: liftijosie@yahoo.co.uk; michael@jarrattnet.co.uk; juliewhite75@hotmail.com; hmlcw@btconnect.com; pandp@sheffield.ac.uk<br>Subject: Sheffield climate ark<br>Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:55:54 +0000<br><br>
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Hi,<br><br>I wondered if you might be able to pass this on to your members. I'm e-mailing from "Chocolate Aeroplanes", a climate action
group set up the COIN event in November last year. Our aim is to make
people more aware and involved in stopping climate change by media
stunts and actions on the street. Our first project is to build a
climate ark on the Moor, in Sheffield on Saturday 9th Feb. The ark
will largely be constructed prior to the day and members of the public
will be encouraged to write messages to attach to it. There'll be
other actions for people to do eg. postcards to send to MPs and climate
change colouring for children. In terms of a good media photo we're
hoping to get a few pairs of animals (even if this is only very briefly
for the photo).<br><br>We're keen to have lots of people to help on the
day, talking to people about climate change, helping with
construction... So if anyone from your group can come on the 9th that
would be brilliant. Also if anyone might be able to help out with
animals that would be great. On the day we'll be there from 10-3 campaigning, before and after to set up, etc. If you can come on the 9th
or want to ask questions then e-mail me or phone me 07962981017.<br><br>Thanks Ruth<br><hr>She said what? About who? <a href="http://www.msnsearchstar.com" target="_blank">Shameful celebrity quotes on Search Star!</a>
</blockquote><br /><hr />Join Lavalife for free. <a href='http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Flavalife9%2Eninemsn%2Ecom%2Eau%2Fclickthru%2Fclickthru%2Eact%3Fid%3Dninemsn%26context%3Dan99%26locale%3Den%5FAU%26a%3D30288&_t=764581033&_r=email_taglines_Join_free_OCT07&_m=EXT' target='_new'>What are you waiting for?</a></body>