[Minorcompositions] November Updates: New books & events
Minor Compositions
minorcompositions at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 16:18:33 UTC 2012
I can't seem to think of any witty or clever introduction or framing at
the moment... so in lieu of that (and more importantly), here's an
update about new books and things going on:
1. Viral Utopias
2. New Books
3. Events with Colectivo Situaciones
*1. Viral Utopias! London November 16*
November 16th - 7PM @ Limehouse Town Hall
Panics, plagues, and politics... countless times the death of politics,
utopia, neoliberalism, and politics has been proclaimed... and just as
many times the lumbering remains of our conceptual apparatuses dust
themselves and trundle on again... mutating their movements in unfolding
recombinatory patterns.
Come join us to celebrate the release of several new publications
exploring this overlap between the utopian and the viral, the networked
and the not-worked: Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks by
Tony Sampson; Contract & Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia by
Angela Mitropoulos; Open Utopia by Thomas More & Stephen Duncombe; and
the "Becoming Impersonal" of Mute Magazine.
Agit Disco DJs
Traum - London-based chanson for lovers of Neo-romantisch perverse pop:
Hungry Hearts - whisky filled gruff folk punk
Limehouse Town Hall 646 Commercial Road London E14 7HA
*2. New books!*
Both of these titles are available for order at a discounted
pre-official release price
*Contract & Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia*
Angela Mitropoulos
Contract and Contagion presents a theoretical approach for understanding
the complex shifts of post-Fordism and neoliberalism by way of a
critical reading of contracts, and through an exploration of the
shifting politics of the household. It focuses on the salient question
of capitalist futurity in order to highlight the simultaneously
intimate, economic and political limits to venturing beyond its horizon.
In capitalist history, as well as in philosophy, finance, migration
politics, and theories of globalisation, contagions simultaneously real,
symbolic and imagined recur. Where political economy understood value in
terms of labour, Contract and Contagion argues that the law of value is
the law of the household (oikonomia).
In this book Angela Mitropoulos takes up current and historical theories
of affect, intimacy, labour and speculation to elaborate a queer,
anti-racist, feminist Marxism, which is to say: a Marxism preoccupied
not with the seizure of opportunity to take power, form government, or
represent an identity, but a Marxism which partakes of the uncertain
movements that break the bonds of fate.
"In this stunning reworking of the philosophical fibres of economy,
Angela Mitropoulos provides an expansive realignment of how risk is
apportioned and contingency valorised. The result is a febrile politics
of debt and credit to pre-occupy the movements in and for the future."
-- Randy Martin, author of Empire of Indifference: American War and the
Financial Logic of Risk Management
*Open Utopia*
Thomas More & Stephen Duncombe
Open Utopia is the first complete English language edition of Thomas
More's Utopia that honors the primary precept of Utopia itself: that all
property is common property. Open Utopia, licensed under Creative
Commons, is free to copy, to share, to use. But Utopia is more than the
story of a far-off land with no private property. It is a text that
instructs us how to approach texts, be they literary or political, in an
open manner: open to criticism, open to participation, and open to
re-creation. Utopia is no-place, and therefore it is up to all of us to
imagine it.
In this volume, and its accompanying website, Utopia is re-imagined and
brought into the digital age as a participatory technology for
undermining authority and facilitating new imagination.
"A welcome new intervention into an old text. Re-read through the lens
of Duncombe's extensive -- and persuasive -- introduction, More's Utopia
is revealed as a subversive methodology for approaching utopias, one
that engages and expands our capacity for political invention and
imagination. Open Utopia is an infinite demand that splits the subject
open to new possible worlds rather than giving a closed plan." -- Simon
Critchley, author of The Faith of the Faithless
*3. Colectivo Situaciones Tour in North America*
Members of Colectivo Situaciones, authors of 19&20: Notes on a New
Social Protagonism, are touring across North America and will make
several stops. Here is information on that:
Between Impasse and Insurrection: Notes on the Crisis of Neoliberalism
from Argentina 2001 to the Present
With Verónica Gago and Diego Sztulwark of Colectivo Situaciones, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
he moments of political and economic crisis in Argentina in 2001,
specifically the 19th and 20th of December do not merely mark an event,
a day, or even a year. Rather 2001 is an active principle, a key to
thinking about this past decade from the perspective of the crisis of
neoliberalism between impasse and insurrection. It is a method, a way of
looking by seeing the crisis in motion and in time. It becomes a premise
with its multiple meanings, spaces, and temporalities.
This talk will be given by Verónica Gago and Diego Sztulwark, members of
Colectivo Situaciones and of the Buenos Aires-based radical press Tinta
Limón. Colectivo Situaciones is a collective of militant researchers
based in Buenos Aires. For more than twelve years, they have
participated in numerous grassroots militant-research projects with
unemployed workers, peasant movements, human rights groups, neighborhood
assemblies, and alternative education experiments. Their published works
include several articles and books, among them Genocide in the
Neighborhood (Chainlinks, 2010) and 19&20: Notes for a New Social
Protagonism (Autonomedia/Minor Compositions/Common Notions, 2011).
There are some points---between instability and creation, concern and
uncertainty, openness and alteration--- that also allow us to map the
decade: + From unemployment to the "replacement" of labor // + End of
human rights // + uncontrolled immigration.
/Vancouver /
November 13, 2012 7-9pm, HC 7000, Harbour Centre, SFU Vancouver
/Toronto /
Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 7:30-9:30pm
Location: RCC 204, Rogers Communications Building Ryerson University, 80
Gould Street
/New York City/
Tuesday, November 20th 7PM---CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307
With Marina Sitrin
That is all for now. More updates and information soon.
Minor Compositions is a series of interventions & provocations drawing from autonomous politics, avant-garde aesthetics, and the revolutions of everyday life.
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